Chapter 34

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That night, Loki and I step out of the elevator to find Steve and Barton playing a game of ping-pong.

Silently, I stand next to Loki as he announces "I'm pregnant!" Steve freezes as Barton scores a shot.

"I knew it!" Barton announces, tossing his paddle on the table "I mean, I lost twenty bucks, because Natasha guessed when you would announce, but I knew it!"

Stark finally comes out of his shock, and nudges Banner "Did you hear that? Mad hatter is having an Alice!"

Natasha smiles kindly "What are you craving, Loki? Pickles? Mustard?"

"I haven't really had any cravings." Loki states and I frown in disbelief "What? It's true! I haven't had many cravings!"

"Tell that to the Hawaiian food. Or to Taco Bell." I smirk and he frowns "Or the fact that I saw you eating a cup of ice, at two o'clock this morning."

"Okay, I'm a Jotun. We like the cold." Loki reminds, before nudging me "Don't be an arsehole!"

Natasha nods, before turning to the fridge "I believe this calls for celebration." she pulls out an assorted cheesecake and I notice Loki takes in a breath "You pick first, Loki."

Loki steps forward and takes a plate, before getting the chocolateiest slice "Get two." Natasha insists and Loki grabs the plain New York style. Once Loki is out of the way, she looks to me "Dad, you're next. Come pick one."

"How come Loki gets two?" I frown.

"One is for Fin!" Loki insists, with a smirk "After all, our son has big armor to fill! Look at his father!"

"It's a boy?" Natasha asks and Loki nods "His name is Fin?"

"Short for Fenris." Loki declares as he grabs a fork "I just hope he's of Asgardian size. This will be one uncomfortable birth, if otherwise."

"That's what an epidural is for." Stark smirks, nudging Loki's shoulder. Loki shakes his head and Stark frowns "You're not going to use an epidural?"

"I'll give birth, traditionally." Loki insists "In the bath, with no pain relief, nor doctor." Stark gives an amazed look and Loki explains "The pain or birth bonds me with Fin. Jotunheim tradition."

"Good luck with that." Barton scoffs.


The weeks tick by like seconds. The only progression of time, is the growth of Loki's stomach.

Banner fears that Loki will not be able to nurse, as his breast have not changed in the slightest.

As we sit on the couch in the game room, all is completely calm. Loki rubs his hands over his large belly and whispers an old lullaby.

Suddenly, he arches his back and groans in discomfort "What's wrong?" I ask as he moves his hands to his lower back.

Loki shakes his head, before Barton butts in "First contraction?" Loki nods and I take Loki's hand in mine.

"Does that mean the baby is coming?" I ask and Loki shakes his head, before leaning his head back.

After a moment, he straightens up "It means my body is getting ready for birth." he sighs "They'll only get longer, more uncomfortable, and more frequent, leading up to active labor. But yes, this means that Fin will be here fairly soon."

"How long until we have him?" I ask, placing my hand on his stomach to feel a kick from Fenris.

"Could be later on today, could be a week from now." Loki shrugs "Can't really tell with early labor."

I nod, before resting my head on his stomach "Do you need anything?" I ask, sitting up to look him in the eyes.

"We have the ball downstairs. We have the biohazard bag, and the scissors." Loki shakes his head "We have everything we need."

"I meant, do you want anything?" I ask and he thinks for a second "Seriously, I'll go anywhere you'd like me to."

Loki snaps, before asking "Do you mind running to a donut shop? I want a blueberry donut."

I start to get up, but Barton stops me "I'll get it. You'll want to spend as much time with Loki as possible. He want you to comfort him." he looks to Loki "Do you want anything else?"

Loki smiles weakly "Taco Bell?" Barton snickers, before nodding.

"Have Tony text me your order. I'll be back." he starts to walk out, only stopping to give Loki a hug from behind the couch "It'll get much worse, before it gets better."

When he's gone, I look to Loki "He seems a little weird about this, doesn't he?" I ask and Loki shrugs.


"Thor!" Loki screams and I dart towards our room, hoping he's in active labor. When I get there, he sighs "I can't get to sleep."

It's been five days since contractions started. Our friends have started sleeping in our level, in case Loki goes into active labor, with complications.

Silently, I spoon him and we end up asleep, together.

A few hours later, Loki nudges me awake "I think I'm in labor." he states, tiredly and I nod proudly.

"What do we do now?" I ask as I sit up and rub small circles in his back "Should I get Banner? Help you change?"

"Change?" Loki asks, before motioning towards his pajama pants and robe "All we have to do is wait."

I help him up and walk him into the living room to find everyone is awake and doing their own thing. Loki raises his hands in victory, tiredly "We're in active labor!"

"Hopefully, it'll be short." Rogers sighs, before motioning towards the kitchen "We made breakfast."

"We might be in for a long wait." I sigh, moving Loki's hair out of his face "Maybe we should try to eat something?"

Loki shakes his head, before moving towards the couch "The smell, alone, is making me sick."

Silently, I sit next to him, as he throws his head back in groans out in pain as he whines "I'm ready for this to be over!" I try to comfort him but he whines "Don't touch me!"

After an hour of one minute contractions every five minutes, Loki feels for me "I need to walk around!" he whines.

Together, we stand and start to walk around. After a moment, I notice blood bleeds through his pants, going all down his leg. Panic strike me and I scream "Loki, you're bleeding!"

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