Secret is out!!!

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Edwards POV

I see Bella back up into a corner and starts to cry when I took a step forward she screamed. I backed up as I see her starting to break down even more and starts to say in the lowest voice I could barely hear her but she said " I am fine" over and over again.

Bella's POV

All I can remember is Charlie coming at me with his belt I just can't handle it anymore at one point I had wish James had just killed me so I would never have to go through anymore pain. I get up and I run pass Carlisle and Edward and out the door and that's when I saw it my dads cruiser pull up he said " GET IN THE CAR THIS INSTANT OR SO HELP ME GOD..." before he could finished I ran and got in the car he got in and started backing up " BELLA MARIA SWAN IF YOU EVER THINK ABOUT TELLING SOMEONE WHAT I DO TO YOU THEN THEY WILL NOT BELIEVE YOU AND THEY WILL TELL ME AND I WILL SAY YOU ARE JUST A DISOBEDIENT TEEN THAT DOESN'T KNOW RIGHT FOR WRONG WHEN WE GET HOME YOU ARE GOING TO GET A SERIOUS A** BEATING YOU UNDERSTAND ME YOUNG LADY" I nod my head trying to fight the tear from coming down " IF YOU CRY I WILL MAKE SURE I HIT YOU EVEN HARDER THEN NORMAL" I just nodded
15 minuets later
We got home and he shoved me in to the house " YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A DIRTY RAT AND DESERVES NOTHING YOU ARE NOTHING YOU ARE A WORTHLESS PIECE OF TRASH THAT GETS IN EVERYONES WAY BUT I AM GOING TO PUT YOU IN YOUR PLACE YOUNG LADY" he shoved me up the stairs and into my room takes his belt of and beats me till everything goes black.
Next morning
"BELLA GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE ABD FIX ME BREAKFAST" I hurry to get down there and fix his breakfast " No school for you for two weeks your sick and if you say different this dust will go Stright in to you ugly whore face" I nod he leaves I go up stairs and start to draw
3 hours later
I drew someone I dreamed about last night she reminded me of my mom

Next morning "BELLA GET YOUR ARSE DOWN HERE ABD FIX ME BREAKFAST" I hurry to get down there and fix his breakfast " No school for you for two weeks your sick and if you say different this dust will go Stright in to you ugly whore face" I nod he le...

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When I heard a knock at the door I look out the window not making it to obvious and I see Carlisle, Edward, and Esme. I quickly go to the door and listen next thing you know I hear someone say " Bella it is just Edward, Carlisle, and me" Esme said I unlock the door
I speak very low "I am not allowed to let you in if Charlie finds out I even open the door for you he will be adding more to my punishment so it is best you leave plz." "Bella we are here to take you from Charlie so you go to the police." "They won't believe I am just a worthless piece of trash that gets in everyone's way" " who ever told you that they were lying you are not worthless you are worth more than a diamond it's self." Edward said " fine I will come but I need to pack some stuff."

Please leave a comment on what I should write next and should I write another story about Bella x Emmett x Rosalie

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