Chapter 1

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*Liz POV*

I slumped against the bathroom door,waiting for my eyes to finally close. Resting my stinging ,bleeding arms at my sides,I felt the wind of a summer day start to pick up and heard the gentle sound of leaves skittering across the ground. 'I must be dreaming'  I thought,as my eyes fluttered and fought to stay open,a battle I knew I would lose. The sound of wind picked up and I felt a leaf gently graze my leg as I realized that it was real. 'But this isn't right. What's happening?'

'Don't be insane,there's no wind' I told myself 'it's November,and I'm inside'...but I could feel the warm air against my tear streaked face. I could smell the flowers and the grass.

'This must be it,then..'

As my eyes were finally losing the fight with the impending darkness,I heard a voice. I recognized the voice,but couldn't quite place where I knew it from. "I really wish you'd stop doing this". I knew then that even if I couldn't put a face with this voice,it was someone I couldn't possibly be hearing. But who? My body didn't give my brain time to process before giving in to sleep,and fading to dark.

And just as fast as the darkness covered my eyes,it gave way to a bright light. As I blinked to adjust my eyes to it,I realized I was in my bed,with bandages over my arms and a hoodie covering them. "What...happened?" I groaned tiredly

I don't know why I was talking aloud. No one was there to hear me. I slowly sat up,feeling a rush in my head from loss of blood and lack of eating. I knew it was unhealthy,but the feeling of it was so addicting. It made me feel better like no doctor could.

I slowly regained my ability to walk and went carefully to the bathroom. Sure enough,behind the door was a single brown leaf.

"So it was real,just not in the way I thought it was" I mused,still doubting anything unnatural occurred. Blaming the strange occurrences on losing as much blood as I did, I shrugged it off,assuming that I had felt the leaf and managed to pick myself up and clean up before passing out in my bed. I raised my sleeve and looked at the bandages covering the damage I had done.

But...the bandages were put on perfect and pristine. There was no way in this world that I put on those bandages myself in the state I was in. Who else could have though? I shook my head to get the crazy thought out of it,and went to lay back down. I needed rest. That was all. I was sure of it. Sort of.

I turned my phone off so I could be left alone and laid down. As I closed my eyes though,I was sure that I felt a soft wind blowing on my face,as if I was laying under a shade tree on a sunny day.

A/N: I know I know,it's bad.

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