Chapter 5

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*Riku's POV*

I saw the tears well up in her eyes before she put her head down.

"Thank you" she whispered. I walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down.

"Listen..I know this is a lot for you,because it is for me too. But I need to tell the others about this and figure out why our worlds collided and why we aren't real in yours."

She silently wiped her eyes and stared at her hands for a minute before answering.

"Can I go with you?"

I froze,the unexpected question taking me by surprise. I wasn't prepared for a situation even close to this one.

"Well..I would have to ask the king if it would be safe. But I don't see why not. But..why would you want to walk into this if you've seen what it's like?"

She shrugged and gave a short,bitter sounding laugh as she held her arms out,gesturing at the room around her. "Why would anyone want to stay in a world where they're lonely and sad?"

I scooted over to sit a bit closer,trying to comfort her but not knowing how.

"How about we go and if King Mickey doesn't like it,I'll bring you back. Sound fair?"

She looked up,hope in her eyes for the first time since I was sent here "perfectly."

I turned towards her,a bit more serious now.

"Okay so I'm gonna start with my side of the story. A few months back your world collided with one of our many. We tried investigating from a distance but when we sent the Gummi Ship on autopilot, the readings showed that the worlds weren't collided,but rather the old one disappeared and yours took its place. But that would take impossible amounts of power and a massive amount of planning,so we searched for the largest source of energy on this planet. That ended up being a dead end. But for some reason if we didn't have the search going for large amounts of energy,the Gummi Ship always came back here. Even when it was set to roam,it would come straight here and stay. Sora was looking for Kairi at the time,so I was sent to gather information and see if the planet was safe for others to land...I didn't want to come so soon I wanted to wait until Sora was safe..but the king here I am" I finally finished,then realized something. "I don't know your name. What is it?"

She held her hand up with her pointer finger sticking up "hold on I need to process this."

She put her head slightly down,looking as if she was in deep thought for a few minutes before looking back up at me,a slight smile on her face.

"My name is Elizabeth. Please call me Liz,I hate being formal." She shrugged. "And I was going to ask questions,but it looks as if you have about as many as I do about this"

I nodded,letting the tiredness I felt show on my face.

"I just want to go home and sleep for a few days" I told her honestly. "I miss Sora,and I miss my bed. In that order."

Her eyes lit up and she bounced a small bit,looking like she wanted to say something.

"Are you alright? You were just crying and now you look like someone just gave you a pu-"

"Are you and Sora together?" She interrupted me excitedly.

My face flushed bright red and I put my head down,letting my hair cover the redness in my cheeks. "Not quite. I forgot that you knew so much." I mumbled. "Let me clarify. I miss Sora but I'm not sure he understands what I mean by that"

There was only silence in return so I looked up to see the most mischievous grin I've ever seen in my life.

"Bet I can find out"

Oh god.

"Anywayyy,we should probably head back to the King. We still don't know why the gummy ship has attached itself to you."

Liz hopped up,swaying slightly before walking over to the dresser and picking out some clothes. She went to the bathroom and changed before coming back with her very long,very very red hair -I mean like,Lea red- in a ponytail.

"Okay let's go"

I chuckled a bit at her enthusiasm,very much reminding me of the way Sora liked to jump headfirst into things.

"I do have to warn you,the Gummi Ship was sent home when I came here. We have to travel by way of a portal,and it's a bit of a rough ride."

She rolled her eyes "it can't be that bad,let's go! I want to meet everyone!"

"Okay you asked for it"

A/N: why do I do this to myself lmao. If you made it this far,let me know what you think.

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