Chapter 2

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*Liz POV*

I awoke with a start,feeling a presence in my otherwise empty house. I was afraid to open my eyes for fear that whoever it was..wasn't friendly.

"I see you're awake"

My half asleep body jolted awake at hearing that.

'Someone is here' I started trying to think of ways to get away. But...wait a minute. That voice.

It was the voice from last night. The one I thought I'd imagined.

I slowly open my eyes to see a tall,silver haired boy sitting on the chair beside my bed. I usually used it as a nightstand. I look over to the tv stand to see all the things from my chair neatly stacked by the tv. If I wasn't so terrified it might even be funny.

"Who..who are you? You familiar.." I think I was talking more to myself then I was to him.

His lips turned slightly up,and he looked at me with soft eyes. "There's no way you know who I am. I don't even belong here" he looked kind of sad,as if he didn't want to be here.

I looked a bit closer,straining my eyes as I didn't have my glasses on. I frowned and grabbed them. When I looked back up at his face ,I then realized I knew where I remembered that voice from. But it was impossible! There was no way!

My heart started beating out of my chest as I realized the impossible situation I was in.


I couldn't believe it. A video game character,sitting in front of me. "It's not possible! You're not real! How are you here?!" I started to back away in fear,thinking this was someone trying to trick me. I almost fell backwards off the bed,but stayed where I was anyways. I looked back up at him,expecting him to lash out now that I've figured out there's no way this can be real.

But one glance at his face and I realized we were both shocked and confused.

"How do you know my name? And how am I not real?"

Although his voice was calm,his eyes betrayed his expression. They showed confusion and slight fear at the fact that I knew who he was.

"You...what?" I blinked at him,completely and utterly lost. The response I had prepared completely forgotten in my shock.

"There's no way you could possibly know my name,but yet you just yelled it. I want to know how you know"

Though still showing confusion,the fear in his eyes gave way to a piercing glare

"How do you know my name" he growled impatiently.

"'re a...a video game character. You're not real. None of this is real. I must be delusional. Or dead"

"I'm a..what?"

I only had a second more to look at him,amazement surely apparent in my eyes,before I fainted,surely this was a dream to begin with,and I was about to wake up. But I could feel the throbbing in my head and the stinging in my arms, giving evidence that this was in fact actually happening.

My eyes fluttered closed as I fell forward back onto the bed,barely managing to at least fall the right way,and my body gave way to sleep,despite desperately trying to stay awake and find out just what the hell was going on here.

A/N I feel like I really suck at writing. The story played out so well in my head but putting it into words is so hard to do.

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