Chapter 4

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*Liz POV*

I groaned as my eyes opened again,the light hitting them like a truck. I was hoping I'd be able to stay awake this time. I had given up on hoping this was a dream. I look up to meet Riku's cold,piercing eyes.

He didn't look too happy with me.

"I'm sorry I fell back asleep. But it's not every day you see your favorite video game character sitting in your room." There's a sentence I never thought I would say.

He lowered his head a bit,his eyes becoming slightly softer,but still holding a slight glare.

"You didn't fall passed out"

"But that's not what matters right now. What is this?" he held up my brand new copy of Kingdom Hearts III slightly away from him,as if it would burn if he brought it too close.

"Why are our lives on a disk?"

I looked at him as if he had grown a third eye.

"How do you expect me to know? Just because I play a game doesn't mean I know it's creators! All I know is that it's been my favorite game series since I was a child,and that..." I trailed off,not wanting to embarrass myself.

"And what?"

"'re my favorite character. I always related the most to you"

He tipped his head to the side,confused with my choice of words. I could feel my face flush,and I looked down in a shitty attempt to hide it.


I shrugged. "I struggle with a different kind of darkness." He looked at my arms as if he knew exactly what I meant. I followed his eyes down to the heavy bandages,that had started to show small spots of red in various places.

His eyebrows knit together,he hesitantly reached out towards my arms,keeping his pace slow as if I would run away. As if I could.

"Can I..?" He gently asked.

"" I held my arms out to him,confused and not knowing why I trusted him so much.

He gently took ahold of one of my arms and slowly unwrapped the bandage from it. I winced at the slight pain and looked away, hoping that he wouldn't be as disgusted with me as I was with myself. I slowly looked back up at his face to see it filled with sadness.

"Why do you do this?" He asked,in a quiet and sad voice.

"I..I just feel so much at once..and I don't want to hurt anyone else..but I have to lash out somehow..I can't just make it go away,and I've got no one to help me"

He looked up at me and just held my eyes. This situation was becoming more and more real the longer I was in it.

He pulled out a strange looking vial of glowing green liquid. He continued to hold my arm out gently with one hand as he took the cork out with his teeth and poured a drop over the middle of my arm. A warm,gentle feeling passed over my arm like a blanket and the glowing spread. As soon as the glowing was gone,so were the cuts. Barely a scar was left as I looked on in amazement. He continued the process with the other arm. When he was finished he looked up at me with a soft,forgiving look that I hadn't seen in anyone's eyes in a very long time.

" we can sit down and talk without a reminder of your darkness...or mine."

It took every bit of strength I had in me at that moment not to cry.

"Thank you"

A/N: at this point I've given up on anyone liking this because I don't either so it's okay 😂

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