Chapter 3

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*Riku's POV*

I stared at the girl in pure and utter confusion. A...a video game? That was absurd. I sighed as she fainted,knowing she exerted herself too much and too fast. At least she fell in the right direction. She would wake in a few hours and I could ask her more about what she said.

In the meantime,I guessed there wouldn't be any harm in looking around. I walked into the small living room and took in my surroundings. The black carpet matched well with pale purple walls dotted with flower stickers. I looked forward to the television stand.

I laughed silently to myself,remembering how long it took Sora and Kairi to stop laughing at my shock the first time I saw a television. All the magic things I had seen,and I was shocked at a television.

I started to walk towards it,but something on the shelf below caught my eye. It looked like some kind of console,but one I'd never seen before. I reached down to touch it and it made a noise. I sharply pulled my hand back, not knowing what it did. It lit up and so did the tv. "Xbox. What a strange name" I muttered to myself. There had to be some kind of controller or button to make it go. I didn't know how these things worked. I cursed under my breath as I tried to figure it out.

I looked around for a second before seeing a bright orange light up next to the tv. "Bingo" I said as I picked it up and looked over all the different buttons. I heard a strange noise from the TV and I looked up at the screen and jolted. It was Sora. On the screen was Sora. My Sora. "A video game.." I said,slightly angry,and slightly scared, under my breath. I pressed on all of the buttons until I found the one to continue and the screen changed.

It showed flashes of our lives and I sat and watched in shock as me and Sora and Kairi flashed across the screen. Along with almost everyone we knew. Roxas, Aqua, Lea. As the song ended, what looked like a menu screen took over. I looked over the options and went to something called 'theater'. Sure enough was a list of things we had done. I clicked on one and it showed me,putting my hand on Sora's shoulder during the War. "This can't be real" I backed away slightly in shock, not believing what I had just seen. "It's not possible"

I turned the 'Xbox' and the TV off and slowly and numbly walked back to the room the strange girl was in, and silently waited for her to wake. I wanted-no, I needed answers,and even if I was supposed to be silently protecting her, -against my will,mind you- I was determined to get them.

A/N: y'all I know it sucks and I'm sorry but I started this and I'm determined to see it through

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