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track 1: perfect illusion by lady gaga.

track 2: younger by ruel.

track 3: why should i be sad by britney spears.

track 4: dazed & confused by ruel.

track 5: natural by zayn.

" it's just like breathing, speaking, when we touch, like a force of nature. "

Zach accidentally fell asleep on the bus.

He was awake all night, listening through the thin walls to his parents yelling at each other about him. How they've lost so much money caused by him, and that there's nothing they can do about Auston.

He tried to fall asleep, even listened to some of his playlists (while creating another one), but nothing could block out the constant pain he felt when he could hear his parents over the blasting music.

He came onto the bus looking like a monster, and he knew it too.

He sat down in his seat and just fell asleep, his bag resting on his lap and his face literally in the bag. Uncomfortable, yes, but at least he got some shut eye.

"Zach?" whispered a voice from beside him. "Yeah?" he whispered back.

"We're almost at school, you might want to wake up." 

Zach rubbed his eyes and glanced up, his eyes meeting Jack's soft ones, "Oh."

"How long was I-" "I don't know, I came on the bus and you were sleeping. Didn't want to disturb you, so I just -- tried, to make you as comfortable as I could."

Zach got up and suddenly realized his head was in Jack's lap, and he was using Jack's sweater as a blanket. 

"Sorry," told a flustered Zach. "didn't get much sleep last night."

"It's okay, don't apologize.

Zach sat up and felt his hair, cringing at how out of place it felt. "Yuck."


"My hair." whined Zach. Jack just smiled, "It looks good."

"Don't lie to me like that, I know it's a mess."

"Okay, maybe it's a little bit of a mess, but here-"

Jack reached over and brushed his hand through Zach's hair, his tongue sticking out a bit as he tried to fix his hair. Zach bit his lip.

"Well, it looks better now." said Jack.

Zach genuinely smiled at him, "Thank you."

Maybe Jack was manipulative, because that didn't feel fake to him. It felt normal.


ANGEL DOWN [ JACK x ZACH ]Where stories live. Discover now