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track 1: perfect illusion by lady gaga.

track 2: younger by ruel.

track 3: why should i be sad by britney spears.

track 4: dazed & confused by ruel.

track 5: natural by zayn.

track 6: starstruck by lady gaga.

track 7: idfc by blackbear.

" i'm only a fool for you. and maybe you're too good for me. "

Zach's eyes scanned the dimly lit room, hurriedly searching for Jack.

Jack had asked for a drink, and so Zach got it for him. Zach was carrying the drink back to where Jack was, but suddenly he wasn't there.

Zach tried to make his way through the sweaty bodies, the music wasn't effective anymore as his ears had adjusted to the loudness of the rappers. He had only been at the party for an hour and he already wanted to go home.

"Jack?" he called out, but the sound made no travel as the music tuned his voice out. Zach groaned and shoved some people while trying to make his way to the other side of the room.

While walking, he was shoved by a large body. 

"Sorry!" apologized the boy. Zach looked up and notice it was Jonah Marais, the boy hosting the party.

"It's all right. Do you know where Jack is?" yelled Zach. Jonah nodded, "He's been following this girl all night. I'm pretty sure he's in the washroom."

Zach's eyes widened, "Oh. Uh, are you heading anywhere?"

"Nah, I'm just heading to where the food is. I need some chips in my system. Come with?"


Zach walked close to Jonah as he followed him to the chip table. The music got lower as the table was literally five rooms away.

"Who'd you come with?" asked Jonah while sitting down on his couch, his hands holding a chip bowl. Zach placed Jack's drink on the counter and headed toward Jonah.



Zach furrowed his eyebrows, "Why yikes?"

"Because that boy hides." told Jonah.

"You lost me." said Zach while sitting beside him.

"It isn't my story to tell, really, but have you ever met Corbyn Besson or Daniel Seavey before?"

"Yeah, Daniel was wondering who I was because apparently I'm the next twitter moment on the school's twitter page." told Zach while rolling his eyes.

"You saw that thread?" asked Jonah with raised eyebrows.

"Well, yeah, he showed me it."

"Perfect. Basically Corbyn is the mastermind of the school. He knows everything and has so many things that can be used against you."

"That's impossible." said Zach while staring at Jonah.

Jonah shook his head, "Nope. His mind is like a computer's. Daniel can make rumors spread quicker than wild fire, can you see where I'm going with this?"

ANGEL DOWN [ JACK x ZACH ]Where stories live. Discover now