the end

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Jack walked through the gloomy tombstones, making his way to Zach's with a bunch of roses in hand.

He found the tombstone, and sadly placed the flowers by his name.

He got onto his knee, "Hey Zach. I've rented myself an apartment, and graduated from college." He stared into the grass, "I still miss you, everyday. Reese misses you too, and Corbyn and Jonah."

He smiled slightly, "I still see your smile in my dreams. So beautiful. I hope you're doing well. You're my angel, Zachary, I love you."

He stood up and looked up to the skies, "I'll see you soon, angel."


holy. god.

i'd just like to say thank you to everyone who had read this book, and i hope you've enjoyed it. the roller coaster of emotions through-out the entire book.

if you're confused by anything, please do not be afraid to ask me. i tend to have an idea and not remember if i've wrote about it.

if you want to keep a track on my books, i'm currently working on one called 'sorry pluto' so go check that out (if you want)

all the love.

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