{20} Fuyu and the Dire 2

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🐺Chapter 20🐺
Fuyu and the Dire
Part 2

   That morning, Anbā gathered her two sons and sat them before the breakfast table.
"Natsu, Fuyu, you both are already thirteen and an adult in wolf years but that doesn't make you an adult as a human."
Anbā said, passing a hand through her hair, urging herself to go on.

"And listen to me, whatever you do, wherever you may go,
I just want to let you know that I love you.
I love you two so, so, so much."
"We love you too, mom." Natsu said,
"Yeah, we always did."
Fuyu repeated in his own words.
"Please don't fight, it tears my heart apart when you do. Because one day, your father and I will be gone one day and the only thing you'll have, is each other. Now come," She called them and pulled them into a hug.
"We're sorry, mom."
"We didn't mean to fight."
"We didn't know you felt that way.."
"We'll never do it again.."
They said one after another.
"I know you won't. Now let's go to see your dad."


You  all finally made it to the top of the hills, by the gigantic tree that held it all together.
Ame was already there, enduring the torture of baby squirrels running around him and jumping on his back, he didn't mind it though, since they can possibly do no kind of harm.
"Ame, sweetie, we have a visitor." You announced.
He got up and walked to the stranger, sniffing her and trying to sense if she was bad, but she wasn't.
He switched from his wolf to his human form,
"Nice meeting you, and who might you be?"
He asked, still suspicious of the young girl.
"She's my friend, her name is Ivory. She's a wolf just like us and she has no family."
"Oh okay.." He sat down in the grass, the young squirrels attacking him again.
"Where'd you meet her?"
"Down by the river. She came from a cave hidden in the snowy mountains that way." He said, pointing where the mountains were.
"She wants me to go there and live with her." He said, bracing himself to hear the answer.
"I don't think that'll be such a good idea.
But Ivory can stay with us and you can always go every winter. How about that?"
"That's good." Ivory nodded with a smile.
"You sure?" Fuyu asked.
"Yeah, it's fine. At least we all can go every winter."
"Ivory, I have something to say," Aki said.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Tag, you're it!" She poked the white haired girl and ran away, transforming in the process and leaving her clothes behind.
Ivory shook her head then touched both Natsu and Fuyu, "You're both it!" She transformed and ran away.
Natsu looked at Fuyu and Fuyu looked at Natsu,
"Did she just?" Fuyu asked, pointing at where she ran off.
"Oh, no she didn't!" Natsu said, "She's messing with the wrong brothers!"
They then transformed and ran off.
Anbā smiled at this and went to sit underneath the shady tree.
"Why do you look so relieved?" Ame asked, sitting next to her.
"Because, my work here is done."
"Oh, is it?" He asked.
"Yep!" She nodded, resting her head back against the tree.
"Let's go see where the children are.." He said, getting up and reverting back to his wolf form.
"Okay, I guess." She got up  and sat on his back.
He ran to catch up with the children, and they all enjoyed playing the game of tag.


     It was a very sad morning, Hana hadn't woken up from her sleep.

"She was a great woman."
Anbā said, placing a bouquet of cosmos flowers on Hana's grave.
"And a great mother.." Yuki said, holding Aki who was a crying mess.
"Grandma!! Grandma don't leave!! Don't go as yet!!" Aki shouted and stomped her feet.
"Aki, sweetie, she can't come back.." Sohei said, rubbing Aki's head in comfort.
"She left too soon." Fuyu broke down and cry,
"It's- okay, Fuyu. People die, it's natural..." Natsu said, fighting his tears.
"We should be happy." Ame started, "Happy that she's in dad's care now.."
They looked to the skies as the winds blew gently,
taking some leaves along with it.
"It will be hard to move on but, we still have each other. Though it can't be avoided, we'll laugh together as though we'll never see each other again. Our connections, our pain, that's what makes us a pack.
And we must stick together, I love you guys," Yuki said, pulling everyone into a group hug.

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