Chapter 11 - Unwanted Attention

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Chapter 11 - Unwanted Attention

~~~ Noah

Noah was glad that Annabell, Lady Jade, was nowhere near him during dinner. He had never eaten a meal that needed more than a small knife and a pair of clean hands. Back at the Montego Manner he sometimes helped Cook set the table. He knew the order that each strange shaped fork went in next to the stack of plates, but he had no idea which utensil was appropriate for which course.

Why did he need three different spoons when each one had the same function?

The whole ordeal was rather confusing to him.

Noah looked at the other people at the 'C' table. He noticed that Lord Copper, the man's masked name, was using the second smallest fork to eat his salad. Noah did the same.

"So, Lord Coal, how was your trip?" a woman's voice asked.

Noah didn't know whose voice the question belonged to, but he inwardly cringed at it. He decided to keep Lord Jenkins's persona from Market Day. The Sky forbid what would happen if members of Society thought that he was from Alminia. However, the fact that Lord Coal was not Alminian, seemed to make him a popular target for questioning.

He didn't understand why so many people felt the need to ask about everything? It didn't sit well with him.

"Oh are you not from here Lord, Coal?" One of the other Ladies, who hadn't been listening earlier asked interested.

"No, I'm-" He started, but was interrupted.

"He's from Terrafeuw." The gossipy older woman known as Misses Champagne interjected.

Lord Copper put down his fork and decided to join the conversation that seemed to revolve around Noah. "Are you really?" he asked.

"Yes." Noah replied simply hoping to end the conversation quickly.

A young woman in a dark chocolate brown mask deiced that she wanted to know more. "Is there anyone here that you recognize, from home?"

"From Terrafeuw?" He asked trying to decipher the question. When she nodded he continued. "No, Lady Chestnut, why do you ask?"

Miss Citrine, a smaller version of Lady Chestnut, radiated excitement as she bounced on her seat. "Do you think he might be here?" She asked Lady Chestnut, making Noah think that the two might be related.

"He could be," The young woman answered, "Many other Royals were able to attend."

"Pardon me, Lady Chestnut," Lord Copper asked, his fork frozen at the edge of his mouth. "Who is it that you are talking about?"

"Oh well," She said shyly knowing that speaking of people's actual lives was frowned upon before midnight. She played with the glass in her hand for a moment before saying quietly. "Now, it's just a rumor, but they say that Prince Phillip of Terrafeuw was invited but he couldn't attend."

Misses Champagne looked suspiciously at Noah and asked, "Lord Coal, would you know the reason?"

"I do not." He responded.

"Maybe he did come." Lord Copper offered.

"Do you think he'd come all this way and keep his identity hidden?" Miss Citrine asked her voice filled with excitement.

"It is a masked ball." Noah replied without thinking.

"He's supposedly no older than you Lord Coal" A woman whose name he didn't know accused.

All eyes fell on Noah, and he knew that he had to say something before they started to believe what wasn't true. "I have relatives in the Alminia, that were married recently." He tried to explain, but the lie felt weak on his tongue.

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