First Day

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Calvin POV.

Today is the first day of senior year and I am not excited about it at all. Why? Because I always get picked on. Why? My hands. My hands are the problem. What's wrong with them? I have only two fingers; my index and my thumb on each hand. I was born that way. Its hereditary, my mom had the same thing. Strokes are also hereditary, that is also partly why I am the way i am. I was also an early baby. 2 months early. So my hands never fully developed.

Anyway, back to the topic of the prison I call school. I walk there every day. Mostly because I live down the street and because I don't have a car. I don't have a car because I don't think I can drive with my hand situation, so I never tried.

Once I get to school I meet up with one of my best friends, Mark. They have been my best friends since I started high school. We met at freshman orientation. I was stuggling to sign my name at the front when the person who was at the table started laughing at me and made fun of my hands. Jackson was behind me and he heard the person laughing at me and told him off. Mark was behind Jackson and heard the whole thing and he was fed up so he punched the dude who was laughing at me. After he did that we all got kicked out and suspdended for 2 days. They stuck by me ever since.

"Hey man, how was your summer?" Mark asks "good, you?" "Not bad, I saw Orchid at Hershey park. She looked so hot man, she was in a bikini top, a tank top over it and shorts." Mark groaned. Ew, he is nasty. Who is Orchid, you ask? She used to be my best friend before she got popular. I have no idea what happened to us. One day we were best friends and the next day, she wouldn't even notice me.

Just then, my other besr friend Jackson walks up to us. "Hey. What's your schedule like?" I pulled out my schedule and we compared them. "Homeroom, science, mathematics, art, lunch, and then history and homeroom again." Mark and me have history and home room together and Jackson and me have art and math together. After we look over our schedules we head to homeroom.


After homeroom, I go to science class. When I get there, there's only one seat abd it is right next to Orchid. Shit. Over the years I have grown a small amount dislike towards her for not talking to me. I walk to the seat and sit down. She looks at me for a second. She looks like she is trying to figure out who I am. How do you forget your best friend of 10 years? Then she looks as if she remembers. "Calvin? Calvin Jackson? I haven't seen you in years! How have you been?" "I've been better. You?" I say in a slightly bitter tone. "I'm okay." An awkward silence falls on us. Just then, the teacher comes in the room and I silently thank her for coming when she did. I did not want to talk to her anymore.

"Hello class, my name is Ms. Jacobs. The person who is next to you wilk be your lab partner for the rest of the semester. Now, let's get started." Immediately after she says that there is a chorus of groans and Orchid looks at me and smiles. My heart melts a little. I forgot she was so gorgeous. "Hey there lab partner." She smirks at me and nudges my arm. It is going to be a long day.


At lunch I get in line and get my lunch. Mark carries my lunch as usual. I can't carry heavy things with just my fingers. When we get to our table, we see an unexpected guest. Orchid sees us and waves for us to go over there. I look at mark and he shrugs. I just sit down next to her.

Once we get there I ask her what she is doing over at our table. "I just wanted to catch up Calvin." "What do you mean 'catch up'?" Jackson asks her. "You mean he never told you? Me and Calvin were best friends since pre-k." Mark and Jackson turned to me and i just picked the peperoni off of my pizza. "What? It just never came up." Mark rolls his eyes. "Sure."

"Anyway, my name is Orchid Lace. And you are?" She shakes Jackson and Mark's hands. "I'm Mark Tuan and this is Jackson Wang" Mark says while he and Jackson shake her hand. "Nice to meet you both." I rolled my eyes and ate my pizza. Ugh. She gets on my nerves, she thinks that just because we saw each other in science class and that she is my lab partner, she can just smile and say hi and she can get back into my life. It's irritating.

"You good bro?" "Yeah why?" "Orchid asked if we wanted to go to a party on Friday, me and Mark said yes and we wanted to know if you're interested or not." "Nah, im good." "Oh come on, we'll be there with you. It's not like you have anything else planned anyway." I gasp. "I'm offended. How could you just assume that?" Mark raises an eyebrow. "Ok fine, I'm free. But I still don't want to go." "Doesn't matter. You're still going because we're dragging you there weather you like it or not." Orchid, Mark, and Jackson grin from ear to ear like idiots. I hate them.


Hi. Its me again. This is my second book and yes, I used Jackson and Mark from Got7 because I am unoriginal. This was inspired by a dream I had.

Ps. This is NOT a got7 fan fiction. I just used them as characters in the book.

QOTD: When is your birthday?

AOTD: Mine is June 17th

Anyway like, share, and comment. Love you guys. Bye.

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