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Author POV.

Calvin woke up with a medium sized headache. It hurt, but not as bad as it hould be for a hangover. He groaned and looked at the sleeping naked girl next to him. He also noticed that he was naked also and that wasn't in his own bed. What happened last night? He thought as he continued to look around the purple bedroom.

Suddenly, the events of the night before flooded his mind and he smiled. He got up and put on some pants, careful not to wake up Orchid. He went to the bathroom and looked in the medicine cabinet for some advil. When he found it he took 2 and set the bottle and a cup of water on the nmightstand next to the bed. After that, he went downstairs to make breakfast.

Orchid woke up to the same exact headache and some other pain in her lower region. She sits up and she sees the bottle of advil and takes two.

After some of the pain subsides, she remembers the events of the night before. She smiles at the memories. Then her face pales as she remembers that they didn't use a condom and that he came inside her.

She runs to the bathroom and looks in box under the sink. There she finds her stash of female products. In her stash, she gets out a pregnancy test. Her dad made her buy some just in case. Overprotective much.

She pees on the stick and waits for the test to be over. As she waits, she smells bacon and goes to the source of the smell. She soon finds herself in the kitchen with Calvin cooking what looks like waffles, eggs, cornbeef hash, and fruit salad with apple juice. It looked delicious and so did he.

"Hello." Calvin said while smiling at her. "Good morning to you too." She hugs him and smiles. Suddenly, someone clears their throat. "Wow, no 'Hey dad, how was work last night?' No 'Goodmorning dad, want some breakfast?' What am I, chopped liver?"

The two quickly separated and awkwardly stood in their spots. "Oh, hey dad! So when did you get here?" Orchid says nervously. "Last night around 5 in the morning, I guess. The door was surprisingly unlocked, so I thought you forgot to lock the door so I left it alone. I smelled bacon so I thought you were cooking breakfast and came downstairs. Long story short, i've been here for the past ten minutes. Long time, no see, Cal. How's it been?" "I've been good Mr. Lace." Calvin said shyly. Orchid's dad waved him off. "Please, you're practically a son to me, call me dad or something, make up something." "Dad works. Want some food?" "Duh. I'm hungry and you make good food. Come back for dinner." To that Calvin eagerly nods in agreement.

"Uugh~ Calvin, I forgot how good your food is. It is so freaking awesome. What did you put in these waffles anyway?" He just shrugs. "Vanilla, cinnamon, and applesauce." "Where did you learn how to cook like this, Cal?" He pops a piece of watermelon in his mouth and shrugs. "I guess it runs in the family, there's always been a chef every generation of the family."

Orchid POV.

After breakfast, me and Calvin went to my room while dad went back to bed for a while. His next shift doesn't start until 2 in the afternoon at the movie theater.

Once we get upstairs, Calvin embraces me tightly in his arms and kisses me slowly. "Mmmmm, no Calvin. Aren't we moving a little fast? Can't we just watch a movie or something?" Be shrugs and kisses my neck. "How about we go somewhere, I'll pick you up here at 2:30 and we can go meet up with Mark and Jackson. Sound good?" I smile and nod my head. With one last kiss, he leaves.

I sigh in content and then think of what could happen to us in the future, and like a truck, the thought of the pregnancy test floods my mind. I instantly run to tne bathroom and look at the results.

Two lines. I'm pregnant. I can't believe this. I don't believe this. I cannot be the one girl in high school that couldn't wait until senior year to get knocked up, and it's not like it is entirely my fault. He had a role in this too. But no, all people see is that Iam tje one carrying the baby so it doesn't matter who the father is nor what he does. You wanna know why? Because I would be seen as the slut. The whore, the bitch that couldn't keep her legs closed. Honestly, it's not my fault his pull out game is weak.

I cant be mad at Calvin though. He doesn't know and he didn't plan for this to happen either so there is no one to blame but the both of us.

The real question is who should I tell? Dad? No, he would freak. Sarah? Mabey, I am still a little mad at what she said yesterday, but she is still my best friend. Calvin? I have no idea how he would react, but he does have a bad temper. My best bet is probably to wait until the doctor confirms it. Some pregnancy tests arent even accurate, and besides, it is probably too early to tell anyway

I run to my dad's room as fast as I can. "Hey dad, do you know when my next doctor appointment is?" "Two weeks, on the 20th, why?" 'No reason, I was just wondering." "Okay sweetheart. See you later."


Like Calvin said, he got got here at 2:30 on the dot. He took me to the bowling alley where Mark and Jackson already got the game set up for us to play.

"Hey Orchid, how are you doing?" Mark says in his usually sweet way. "Im feeling okay, apart from a little school drama." Jackson perks up intstantly. "Ooh, tea? Please spill." I laughed a little bit. "Its nothing serious, in fact, I wouldn't even call it tea, more like warm water." We all just laughed histerically. "I feel hug deprived." 3 seconds later Mark and Jackson tackled me and squeezed me as tight as a boa constrictor.

Calvin gave the other boys a death glare as the boys hugged me. The boys caught the glare and backed away from me. I was about to ask why they backed away when Calvin's arms wraped his arms around my waist. He mouthed 'Mine' and turned to me with a grin. He thinks that I don't know what he does, but I know everything. He is so selfish.

"Can we bowl now? I wanna see your face when you lose!" The boys scoff. "You wish." "Last one to get shoes has to buy food for everyone. On instinct I bolt straight to the shoe counter and am the firsg one there. The perks of being a track star. When the boys get to wherw I  am, they are pantng. "Took you long enough!" Calvin rolls his eyes. "Whatever."


So far in the game I was winning the game with 4 strikes and 3 strikes, and the boys are hella salty about it. Not my fault you suck at bowling.

The boys were hungry, so Mark and Jackson went to get nachos and pizza and buffalo wings. It was my turn so I went up and grabbed a ball. Right as I was aiming for my next strike, I saw Calvin's arm at my waist. He started softly kissing my neck just as I was about to ask him what he was doing. I almost fell for it at first. Key word in that sentence was almost.

"W-what are you doing?" I say breathlessly, trying not to fall for his trick. "You know, you look really sexy doing that victory dance of yours. You mind giving me a demonstration?" "You mean this one?" I start krumping. He groaned softmly in annoyance. I giggled. "If you're going to cheat, then next time, do it right."

After bowling we went to the movies and then the mall. I got a lot of flowy clothes just to be prepared just in case that I am pregnant.  Better safe than sorry. 

Calvin took me home and we just watched a couple of movies and felk aslep on my bed.


Hi guys, this took me way too long to write. Usually it takes me 2 days to write a chapter, but this one took almosy a week and a half. I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway.

QOTD: Who do you think should Orchid tell that she is pregnant?

AOTD: I think it should be Sarah or Calvin.

Anyway, Vote. Comment. Share.   Love you! Bye!

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