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Orchid POV.

It's finally friday. I'm excited, I haven't really talked to Calvin since the 8th grade. Why? I don't even know myself. I almmost forgot he was a lowkey hottie.

We had so many good memories together. I remember when we were in the 6th grade and we were too chicken to ask someone to the winter dance, so we went together. Turned out that we were the only 'couple' there and we were voted cutest couple. I also remember when we had our first kiss. We were in 7th grade and he was insecure about it so I just grabbed his collar and kissed him. We used to always go over each other's house on the weekends and play in his attic and my tree house. Good times.

We used to tell each other everything. I remember when I first got my period, I was too scared to tell my mom so I told my best friend. He was weirded out that I was telling him at first, then he was very supportive.

I also was there when his voice cracked. He was just presenting his science project and he was already a nervous wreck about it, you know, because he is very insecure of his hands. So when his voice cracked, he froze and ran out of the room. As soon as he left, the whole room started to laughing. I yelled at them telling them that whoever was laughing was a punk and that Calvin had more courage in his thumb than any of them would ever have in thier entire life.

After that, I ran after him and we stayed in the boy's bathroom fo the rest of lunch and after school we went to 7-11 and bought 2 tubs of Ben and Jerry's half-baked ice cream and stayed in the tree house until dinner. In the tree house I said his voice was sexy and he gagged. Well it was sexy, still is.


I got into my red, Honda Civic and drove to school. I saw Jackson flirting with some girl so I thought I would say hi. "Hey Jackson, do uou know where Calvin is?" He looked a little stunned that I would even look at him, let alone talk to him. Well, so did everyone else. He straightened up soon after. "Hey Orchid, he is probably at his locker with Mark. By the math hallway." "Thanks."

I made my way to the math hallway and smiled when I saw him at his locker. His back was facing me and Mark was me so I put my finger on my mouth to tell him not to say anything. I walked up to him and put my hands on his eyes. "Guess who." "Sza?" I hit his arm. "You wish." "You're right, I do wish." He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. "Ew. Ya nasty. Hi Mark." Mark was just laughing at us the whole time. "Hey Orchid."

"You still coming to the party later?" The football team always has a party every year on the first  weekend of the school year. I'm on the cheerleading team so i'm always invited and thier parties are the best. "Yes. When and where?" Mark asked. "Here, give me your number and I can text you the details. Me and Mark sap phones and Calvin looks slightly irritated. What is his problem? After I finish putting my number in his phone, we swap phones again. "I put mine and Jackson's number in there. Just in case." Before I could even say thank you, the bell rang and Calvin pulled Mark away from me.


In science class, I sit down in my seat and Mr. Grumpy pants is there. The lesson starts and we are doing lab work. He still doesn't talk to me unless it is absolutely necessary. "Are you okay? You look mad or at least irritated." He just rolls his eyes. "Was it something that I said?" He still doesn't talk. "I hope that attitude goes away before the party, cause I don't need any party poopers today." He just scoffs.


At lunch, I decide to sit with the cheerleading team today instead of the boys. Sarah waves for me to sit by her and I do. "Hey guys." "Hey." "What are you wearing to the party later?" Sarah says while eating her salad. "My burgundy dress, oversised, ripped, denim jacket, and red converse with my hair out. What about you?" "My ripped jeans, black off shoulder crop top, and checkered vans with a low ponytail."

"I'm so excited to go to the party tonight!" "Me too. Expecting to see anyone special tonight?" She raised her eyebrows at me and smirked at me. "Pffft. Why would I be expecting someone?" "I can see it in your eyeballs. And plus, you can't hide things from me. I'm your best friend. Now, who is it?" "Fine. It's Calvin Jackson." She looked at me for a second and then started laughing. When she saw that I wasn't laughing she stopped and asked "You're serious about this?" "Yes, why wouldn't I be?" "Because he is a freak. He is social suicide." "Why are you so mean to him? What did he do to you?" "Have you seen his hands?" "Yes, what about them? Just because he is different doesn't mean anything. If you ever had the chance to get to know him, you would know that he is one of the funniest, most normal person you could ever have the chance to meet."

She was irritating me so I left the cafeteria and went to my locker. Not long after I got to my locker the bell rang. After lunch I have gym, so I head towards the locker room. 


Gym goes by in a blur. We apparently played volleyball and I was team captain. I couldn't get what Sarah had said out of my head though.

He is a freak

Social suicide.

How can someone be so ignorant and inconsiderate of someone's feelings like that. It makes me so mad to hear those things about anyone. I also apparently hit someone in the the head with a volleyball and was kicked out of gym for the rest of class. Thankfully it was only 5 minutes, so I took a shower.

After school, I go to cheerleading practice and it gets my mind off or the lunch incident. We worked on the routine for the pep rally next week.


When I get home, it is about 5:30, so I go on Netflix and watch Mulan. I love that movie. At 7:00 I go to get ready for the party. This includes shower, hair, clothes, makeup, perfume, and shoes. In that order. After I get ready, I get into my car and go to the party. By the time I get there it's around 8:45.

Let's get this party started!!!!

Hey guys! I don't eeally have anything to say about this chapter.

QOTD: How are you doing today?

AOTD: I am doing okay. Nohing bad is happening in my life.

Anyway, I love you.  Vote.  Share. Comment.  Bye!

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