What are we?

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Calvin POV.

It is now Sunday and I can't stop thinking about Orchid and what she said on the phone yesterday. What is so important that she had to tell me in person? Why did she sound so nervous? I hope nothing bad happened to her or worse, I hope she's not in trouble.

I looked at the time on my phone and it's only 3:00 pm. To pass the time I watch some Netflix. After one episode of stranger things, I get up, grab my keys and walk to Orchid's house. The walk wasn't bad because we only 2 blocks away from each other.

When I got there, Orchid's dad opened the door and said she was in her room. I went up to her room and found her looking straight with a blank expression on her beautiful face. She also looked like she was on the verge of tears, even with the blank expression on, her eyes held so much emotion.

I quietly approached her. "Orchid? What's wrong?" "What are we?" She said still loking forward. "What? I don't understand. What are you asking-" She slammed her hand onto the bed and looked at me. "You know exactly what I am talking about." She all but growled at me.

At this point I'm a little scared. "Honestly, I don't know. Why do you want to know? I thought we were just gonna feel out what we want on our own and then tell each other." She sighed, got off the bed, and walked around to me. She gave me a sad smile. "I only ask because I have news and before I told you, I wanted clarity." "Well, to be honest, I don't want a serious girlfriend, so I guess we are friends with benefits?" I said as more of a question than a statement. She wiped a fresh tear from her face.

Did I say something wrong? Probably. "Ok. Now promise me that you won't freak out or anything until the end. Ok?" I nodded my head while she took a deep breath.

"I'm pregnant." My heart stops for a second.

My eyes practically pop out of my head as I look back at her. "W-what? Are you sure because I mean, mabey the test was wrong, did you even take a test?!" I knew I was rambling but I didn't care. "I mean of course you took a test, you wouldn't have known if you didn't. Mabey you need to go to the doctor's office to make su-" "OF COURSE I WENT TO THE DOCTOR YOU DUMBASS!!" She screamed as she cut me off. She then got off the bed, running her hands over her face in order to calm herself down.

She suddenly hugged me and started to cry. Sobbing and whimpering left and right. I wrapped my arms around her to comfort her. To be completely honest with you, I don't know how i feel about this. I mean, I have always wanted children of my own someday, but not right now, especially not before I graduate high school.

"D-do you w-want to help me raise this baby? Because I am keeping this baby, no matter what you say." "I would never ask that of you, and of course I will help you raise this baby. In fact, I'll do better than that. I'll be in it's life, as long as you'll have me that is.

She started tearing up all over again.

•One week later•

"So, who do you think we should tell?" I say cautiously.

She thinks long and hard about it. I'm starting to think I should repeat the question when she finally answers. "Well we obviously have to tell our parents but I don't know how they are going to react."

She looks back at me worriedly. "I know but while we figure out how to tell them, why don't we think of someone else,ya know?" She nods as I think.

"Can I tell Mark and Jackson?" She smiles and nods. "Yea, I miss them. In fact, let's call them now." She smiles at me. "Are you sure? I mean this is huge news." She rolls her eyes. "Just hurry up and call them so that you can make me a sandwich. I'm feeling tuna with a bag of cheddar and sour cream ruffles."

It's like 2:30 in the morning but time does nothing to stop this girl's appetite.

"You do realize that they are most likely asleep right?  We can call them in the morning, but I can make you a sandwich. I'm also kinda hungry."

She chuckles. Well go before I die of hunger." And with that I leave the room to make us a late night snack.

Orchid's P.O.V

It's Friday and ever since I told Calvin, he has been very close and supportive and I couldn't have been more grateful, but when he said he didn't want a girlfriend, I'm not gonna lie. It hurt a little.

I'm ok though. I mean mabey it's the hormones or mabey I'm being dramatic or mabey he just doesn't really care about me and only wants to stay with me because of the baby.

Tears start to form right when Calvin calls up the stairs and says that the food is ready. Mabey food will make me feel better.

I go downstairs and start to eat the sandwich Calvin had add me when a sudden wave of nausea hits me right in the gut. I bolt out of the room into the hallway to the nearest bathroom.

As soon as I'm almost finished puking my guts out, I feel a hand rub circles on my back. "You didn't have to come after me." I say as I rinse my mouth out. "Um yes I did because you would've done the same for me." He says with a small smile.

It's times like these when I wish that he wasn't just my friend. It's not the first time either. I remember when I first started liking him. It was when we had our first kisses. I thought I had just won the lottery but I knew he wouldn't return the feeling so I kept it to my self.

Ughh. He gets on my nerves!!!!!!


Hello there! I am not dead if that is what you were thinking. I haven't been posting in a while because I just haven't I'll probably post more within the next 3 months so don't expect me to start posting everyday because I won't.

Anyway, I love you guys!



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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