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November 3rd 2020


Marie woke up to a sound of a soft purr, she looked around and saw Katie, the cat that she named after her mother, looking at her.

Marie looked at her clock that showed 5:30 on the screen, "you always wake me up on time" Marie smiled. "If only there was someway I would pay you back" Marie started rubbing her chin with her finger as a way of teasing Katie, Katie purred and looked outside of Marie's bedroom, where her little plate was located.

Marie giggles softly at their interaction, Marie always counts Katie as her best friend, which technically she is.

She always feels like her mother's soul is in that cat, so she always made sure to at least put a smile on her face whenever her pet was around.

Marie got of her bed and started her morning routine.

After a few minutes of getting ready, she ate a piece of bread, placed some food in Katie's plate and grabbed her keys.

As she was gonna open the door she heard another purr behind her, Marie smiled as she forgot to kiss her cat 'goodbye'.



I walked through the hallways of the building while looking at the offices checking if people were actually working or not.

While I kept on walking more 'good mornings' were passed on and on. But all I could do was nod my head and keep my cold eyes on my way.

'This is work, why would it be a good morning?' I thought to myself.

"Marie!" I turned around and saw Lucas running towards me. "This is a new agent, this is his file, boss wants you to show him around."

"Eh why me?" I asked while flipping through the papers I have in hand. 'Pretty handsome not gonna lie... wait what-'

"Hey Marie you listening?" Lucas snapped me out of my stupid thoughts,

"Oh yeah what?" I responded like nothing happened.

"Boss wanted you to show him around, cuz idk he said you're more serious, but like bro you is blind I'm better at making friends." Lucas said while moving his hands in weird ways. I smiled.

Lucas' eyes lit up as he saw my smile, I rarely smile but the only people who do in this hell hole named 'work' is him and Dahyun. And I'm glad that I have people like them in my life.

I heard an announcement that echoed through the hallways, it came out of the speaker. a/n: duh. "Mrs. Marie Lee to my office now please."

Welp that's my cue.

I went towards his office. When I opened the door I was met with unfamiliar eyes, 'probably the new agent' I thought as I took a seat beside him.

"You called boss?" I asked trying to break the awkward silence. (stan stray kids)

"Uh huh yes, I want you to meet Mr. Jung Wooyoung he will be your new partner."


"Mhmm yes I'm sorry but you have to at least work with someone or maybe interact with your workers I know that you changed after that incident but at least maybe a hello in the morning?"

"And you thought the best choice was to bring me a partner?" I asked and huffed in disbelief.

"He's the best person ever trust me on this one please, Hey you'll teach him and he'll try to make interact with people more, it's a win win"

I looked at the so called Wooyoung guy beside me and took a good look, I could see that it had an effect on him as he shifted to the side uncomfortably.

I looked at the boss one last time, 'eh it won't hurt, maybe it would really give me a chance'

"I feel like I'm going to regret this but yes I approve."

I stood up and Wooyoung followed. He started shaking my hand really fast that it started to hurt. "You really won't regret it! Thank you so much!"

As he finally let go of me, he started skipping out of the room, I sighed. "Sir you put me in a devil's game"

This is going to be a long ass ride.

+I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter sksksksks
N E WAYS, see y'all next time
peace out ✌️ 😎

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