1 | Reunion

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Sunlight flickered in the windows as the car drove. I remembered this road. I could see my home in the distance. Big and beautiful as always, roses bloomed in bushes at the front of the mansion. Two figures stood on the stairs leading to the front door, intently watching the car and smiling. That's when I knew I knew I was home.

"Rina!" both of my parents exclaim as they see me step out of the car. Tears formed in my eyes and I ran to them, hugging them tightly, never wanting to let go. "I missed you guys so much." I say, as we all pull away from the loving group hug. "We'll have the maid get your boxes from the moving truck and they car. We had a small meal prepared as welcome home snack and a grand meal for later tonight at dinner." My father says. "Yes! We have so much to catch up on before your brother gets home from school." My mother grasps my hand with a smile. We all make our way inside the mansion.

I hadn't seen the house in 10 years, but everything was just as I had remembered. With as much as my mother liked to redecorate things, I was surprised that in the amount of time that I was gone she hadn't redecorated the whole house. "To the dining room!" My mother says excitedly. 

The doors open to the dining room and my eyes widened. It was beautiful in there. A big and beautiful, white gold, chandelier hung above the long table. The table was baby blue with white gold detailing and the chairs perfectly matched. "Wow Mom! I love the redecoration in here!" I say, going over to where I normally sat at the table when I was a kid, and pulling the chair out to inspect it. "Thank you dear! I ordered a redecoration for your room about a month ago and it just finished yesterday. I made it more teen like, assuming you wouldn't want it to be bright pink and princess-y anymore." she says with a smile.

I sat at the table with my parents for awhile and talked to them about what I had done when I was studying aboard in England. You see, I went to go live with my Aunt and Uncle in England to get a better education when I was younger. Granted I was able to learn so many more things there, I decided to come back home for my last two years of secondary school because Takashi is attending a school that I can finish the est of school in. My Aunt and Uncle were also moving to Ireland and I was really homesick.

"Why don't you go up and see your newly decorated room, Rina. Takashi will be home soon. You should be able to get some unboxing done in that time." My mother says. I nod and get up from the table, bowing to my parents. "Thank you for the warmest welcome home. You are the best like always." i say with a smile before making my way up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs is a long hallway and another set of stair going up to the master bedroom area. The long hallway had multiple doors. 5 doors on each side of the hallway. Takashi's room was the fourth door of the left, where as my room was the fifth door on the right. All of the other rooms were either guest bedrooms or studies. 

I stop at Takashi's door, hesitant to put my hand on the handle. I didn't want to invade his privacy, but it had been so long since I had been home. The door creaked open and I popped my head inside for a look. It was very plain and simple. The walls were a deep blue and the furniture was white. A vase sat on his side table, next to his bed, with blue roses in it. I smile at the memories floating through my head. We had so many sleepovers in this room. I used to hate sleeping alone in my room, so I would always wait for my parents to go upstairs to their room before making my way to Takashi's room. Sometimes Takashi would come to my room and crawl under the covers with me.

Closing his door back, I finally make my way to my room. I sigh as i put my hand on the door handle, a bit nervous at what I was about to see. Boxes of my things sat in the hallway outside the door and I smiled at them, excited that I would be unpacking them within moments. I was here to stay. With the confidence i had gained from looking at the boxes, I turned the handle and pushed the door open.

My eyes lit up and the corners on my mouth turned up in the biggest smile. I was absolutely beautiful! The walls were white with rose gold rose decals all over. The curtains were a faded rose gold and were open to shine natural light into my living space. The bed frame was white, while the sheets were silky and also rose gold. There was wood flooring with a fluffy rug on top. All the other furniture was white. Blankets and pillows that sat in places in my room were all rose gold colored.

I happily skipped over to my bed and flopped my body on top of it, sighing at the comfort as I sunk into the bed. I look over at the other side of the room and see two doors. One that I knew lead to my bathroom, and the other lead to my wardrobe. I have never been more excited to take a shower and go to bed in my life, I thought.

I head echoed voices coming from the stairs. "It was good......Yes." I hear a low voice say. I raise in eyebrow and decide to listen. All I hear are footsteps coming down the hallway. A door opens and the footsteps disappear for a second. I hear a "Hm?" and the footsteps get louder as they approach the outside of my bedroom. My door was left ajar when I came in, so I could see a blue blazer peaking from around the corner. The person it belonged to seemed to be inspecting my boxes. I got up from the bed and approached the door, leaning against the door frame and smiling at the person.


"It's not polite to go through other peoples things you know." I say, causing him to jump in fear. I giggle at his action and meet his eyes. "Oh it's just you, Rina. You scared me... don't do-...Hey, wait! Rina!" He says calmly at first, before realizing what was happening and getting excited. "Takashi, I missed you!" I run to him and give him the biggest and most loving hug on earth. "Gosh Rina. I didn't know you were coming home. You have no idea how happy I am to see you." he says, pulling away from our hug and giving me a small smile. "Wow... You're showing so much emotion." I say jokingly. "Only with you. We are twins." he reminds me. "Woah! Really?! I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years!" I say, acting as if I was shocked by his fact. "Classic Rina... Always so sarcastic." He rolls his eyes playfully. "Only with you. We are twins." I reply with a smile.


two and a half hours had gone by since Takashi and I had been reunited. We had been unpacking boxes for about that amount of time and were starting to get exhausted. "Wow Rina... You are quite the diva. You have more clothes than mom." He says, opening up yet another box full of clothes. "This is the 10th box!" he says. I giggle at his astonishment. "I did a lot of shopping while I was in England. My group of friends liked to shop so that's what we usually did when we went out." I explain.

Silence follows my explanation, and Takashi looks at me with a sad expression. "You miss them don't you?" he asks. I raise and eyebrow when I look at him and give him a small, genuine smile. "Well of course I miss them...They were my best friends while I was living there. I just had something here that i missed so much more." I say. He smiles at me and chuckles. "I'm just glad you're back... I really missed you." He makes his way over to me as he says that, pulling me into a hug.

"Rina! Takashi! Dinner is ready! Come down here and eat!" I hear my mother yell from the bottom of the staircase. "Yes ma'am!" I yell back, pulling away from our hug. I smile at Takashi once more. "I heard mom had the kitchen prepare your favorite dishes." Takashi says. "Oh yeah... well then... I'll race ya." I say, running out of my room and into the hallway. "Hey! No fair! You got a head start!" Takashi yells, chasing me.

It feels so good to be back home...

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