6| Let's Take Your Mind Off It

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A week had gone by since my mother told me the big family secret.

Takashi and I are, in fact, not twins like we thought we were.

I could tell Takashi was still upset about this news and so was I. I don't know why she hadn't told us sooner. Nothing would have been weird if we were to know sooner rather than later.

"Come on Rina... You can't sit here and mope around all day everyday." Haruhi says as she stands in my doorway.

My face instantly lights up when I see her. "Haruhi! I'm so glad to see you! I didn't know you were coming." I say, hugging her and allowing her to enter my room before I close the door.

"I literally messaged you earlier and all you said was 'k' so I thought it was okay. " She laughs.

I put my head down in embarrassment. "Ugh I'm sorry Haruhi. Ever since that big family secret has been told, I've been completely out of it." I say with a sigh.

Haruhi places her hand on my back. "Dont worry about it. I know it was hard for you and Takashi to hear. I mean... You spent your whole life thinking you two were twins and it turns out you aren't. I think I would be pretty out of it too if it were me."

I sigh again. Haruhi's words made sense. This whole situation was just super shocking. Knowing that Takashi and I aren't actually twins even though our whole lives were filled with memories of us thinking so.

I finally look up at Haruhi with a small smile. "I guess I just need to take my mind off of this whole thing. I can't blame my mother for not telling us sooner. I know this was probably hard for her to tell us anyways. I shouldn't hold it against her."

Haruhi smiles back at me brightly. "That's the spirit! Now we both need to get ready to go." She hops off my bed and holds her hand out for me to grab.

I give her a puzzled look. "Where are we going?"

"Hikaru and Kaoru  invited us both out to have dinner and go to an arcade."

"Oh fun! I'll do your hair and makeup Haruhi!" I take she hand and lead her to my walk-in closet so we could both get ready.


Stepping out of my closet, Haruhi and I were finnalu ready for our day out with the twins. I close my closet doors, revealing our reflections from my mirrored slide door.

"Oh my gosh! Rina I look so... Girly." Haruhi cringes at herself in the mirror.

I giggle. "Well duh. You dress like I guy in school, so out of school you need to dress like a girl. That's your anatomy." I smile at her through the mirror.

"I mean I guess you're right... I'm just scared that someone will see me and recognize me." She sighs and smiles at herself in the mirror this time. "You did do a good job though. I feel like a girl."

"Well good! That was my intention. Now, when are the boys supposed to get here?"

Haruhi checks her phone for the time. "They said 6 pm and it's 5:45 right now." She says with a smile.

"Wanna go see the rose garden? We have every color rose. It's definitely one of my favorite places." I ask.

Haruhi smiles at me and nods.

Takashi's POV

A sigh escaped my mouth, as I set my pen down. I had been studying for hours now, trying to keep my mind off of everything. Alas, my mind still wondered in that direction. My thoughts kept surrounding Rina.

"This is ridiculous." I say aloud, pushing myself up from my chair and making my way to my window. Peering out, I see Haruhi and Rina happily chatting while walking around the rose garden.

She's always in that rose garden no matter when I look out the window.

Rina walked to a rose bush and happily plucked a flower from it, smiling and closing her eyes to sniff it. As her eyes fluttered back open, she looks in my direction. Noticing that I'm there in the window, she blinks a couple times before smiling even wider and waving to me.

My eyes widen and I quickly move away from the window. My cheeks felt of fire as I returned to my desk. Taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down, I hold my head in my hands.

Why is it that I feel like this? It's just Rina! She's practically my... Sister...

I mentally punched myself for thinking otherwise.

We still live together as if we didn't know we weren't twins. This is stupid.

Rina's POV

The twins had finally arrived and Haruhi and I quickly got in the limo. "Hey Kaoru!" I say excitedly as I slide in across from him. He gives me the sweetest and most genuine smile.

"Rina! How are you?" He asks, taking my hand gently in his and kissing it.

My cheeks heat up and I giggle. "I'm doing better now that we are all hanging out again. I enjoy spending time with you guys." I say.

"That's good! We have a great night planned, so be ready to have some fun!" Hikaru says. "We should be at the restaurant in about 10 minutes, so please help yourself to anything provided in here."

I take a bottle of water and crack it open, very thirstily chugging half the bottle. Kaoru raises an eyebrow at me. "Haruhi and I were outside for a but before you came." I explain.

"Yeah we went to her rose garden. It's so beautiful back there." Haruhi says with a smile.

I honestly loved the way Haruhi was around me. Around the other guys she seems a bit more quiet and nervous, but around me she actually acted quiet different. She could be a girl around me and I loved that.

We finally arrived at the restaurant and Kaoru helped me out of the car. I instantly was hit with the fantastic smells of the food from the restaurant. "Oh gosh! It smells great even outside." I smile at Kaoru, who snickers and nods.

"That's part of the reason Hikaru and I love this place." He says. Hikaru grabs Haruhi's hand and Kaoru grabs mine.

"The other reason is that we like this place so much," Hikaru starts.

"Is because there is live music played every night they are open and we can dance in the dance floor." Kaoru finishes bus twins sentence with a smile, before happily leading me into the resturaunt after Hikaru and Haruhi.

Dancing?! Me?! I don't know man... I've never really danced properly before.

The waitress that helped us to our table and got our drink order was the sweetest. She was always smiling and making sure we were having a great time. Before too long, we had ordered and received our food and were all enjoying some banter and the delicious food the resturaunt has prepared for us.

Haruhi and Hikaru were really hitting it off. She was constantly smiling and laughing at things Hikaru would say and she just seemed to genuinely be having a great time. I'm sure she could notice the same about me with Kaoru.

Kaoru was very sweet and definitely knew how to treat a lady properly. He was also super hilarious and he also wanted to know all about living in another country for so long without my "parents". It was just great to know that, somebody was genuinely interested in me and what my life was and currently is like.

"Rina?" Kaoru says with a nervous smile.

I look up from my now empty plate. "Yes Kaoru?"

He looks away shyly for only a second before speaking up again. "Would you like to go dance?"

My smile got bigger and brighter after hearing that question. "Of course I would! Although, I will warn you that I've never done ballroom dancing before." I say.

Kaoru gets up from the table and gently takes my hand in his, bringing it to his lips. "I will teach you all that I know, my lady." He gently kisses my fingers and my cheeks inflame with blush.

I gracefully get up from my seat and follow Kaoru to the dance floor.

Don't mess this up Rina... People are staring.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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