2 | First Day

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At 6:30 a.m, there came a knock at my door. I grunted and flipped over to lay on my right side. I hear the door open, footsteps coming fast and close before I'm crushed with two bodies. "Ow! Hey!" I exclaim, opening my eyes and looking at the people on top of me. "Good morning, sleepy head." Takashi says, fully dressed in his Ouran Academy uniform. I look over at the other person. "Takashi... That's the most words I've heard you say all morning." Mitsukuni...?

"Mitsukuni!" I exclaim, taking the small boy in my arms and hugging him tightly. "Rina! I missed you!" He exclaims back, hugging me tightly back. "I missed you too my sweets!" I say as we both part from the hug. I look at both of the boys. Both have smiles on their faces and are staring at me. "We have to leave at 7:30 right?" I ask. Takashi nods his head. "Well they get out so i can get ready! I'll be down in half an hour!" I say getting up out of bed and pushing them both out of my room. "I told you that would get her up, Takashi." I hear Mitsukuni say through my closed bedroom door.

A relieved sigh escapes me and I rub the sleep out of my eyes as i walk to my wardrobe to get out my uniform. I take the yellow, puffy dress out and lay it across my bed. I sigh as I look the dress up and down. I love the color... but the puffiness of the shoulders and skirt of the dress are ugly and so out of fashion. I thought. I shake my head as I make my way to my vanity to do my hair. I take my hair down from its messy bun and grab my brush. The bristles smoothly run through my hair, bringing it back to it's naturally straight state.

I then reach for my makeup. As much as I loved to experiment with makeup, I believed I didn't really need it. I applied concealer under my eyes and blended it with my finger to make it look more natural. I then set it with a light powder and applied a bit of bronzer and blush. I curled my naturally long lashes and put a thin layer of mascara on them and then applied a natural highlighter. Finally, i applied some chap stick to my lips and I was finally finished. 

I looked over at my clock and saw that it was 7:05 a.m. Making my way over to my bed, I take the yellow dress off of the hanger and remove my pajamas before sliding myself into the dress. I slightly sulk as I take my white tights from my organization bin in my wardrobe and slide them onto my legs. I then slip on my brown shoes with a strap and i was finally ready to go. I grabbed my bag with all of my supplies in it and make my way out of the bedroom and into the dining room where Takashi and Mitsukuni sat, eating their breakfast.


Ouran Academy. It was a lot bigger than I thought it was. "Here Rina, Mitsukuni and I will show you to the office and to your first class." Takashi says. "Oh really? Yay! Thank you!" I say excitedly, grabbing His hand and dragging him inside the building while Mitsukuni is on his shoulders.

"Welcome to Ouran Academy Miss Morinozuka. Here is your schedule. This empty slot right here is for whatever club you decide to join." The lady at the office desk explains. "Thank you very much." I say as i take my schedule and walk over to where Takashi was standing. Mitsukuni was still on his shoulders and was smiling as always. "Here's my schedule." I say, handing it to Takashi. He inspects it and then smiles. "Looks like we all 3 have the same class. Let's go."

The day went on like a normal school day. I sat in class and took really detailed notes as I always did. Soon enough, it was time for clubs to meet. I sigh, looking on the board outside my classroom for a club to join. Takashi and Mitsukuni walk out of the classroom faster than usual walking speed. "Hey Takashi!" I exclaim, running over to where he stands. "Can i come with you to your club? All the other clubs sound boring." I say. "Of course! It would be so fun to have Rina in the club with us! Right?" Mitsukuni asks. Takashi grunts and nods, leading the way to their club classroom.

We walk by a couple music rooms and finally stop at a door. "Huh? Music room 3? It sounds quiet in there. Is it abandoned?" I ask. A nod comes from both boys. I look at the door and grab the handles, hesitantly opening the door. Rose pedals fly from the other side of the door and a group of guys appears infront of me. "Welcome to the Host Club!" they all say in unison.

My eyes widen and i stand there in shock as both Takashi and Mitsukuni go and join the group. "Wow! A new customer! She's so pretty!" The tall blonde boy says, coming over to me and gently taking my hands in his. "Tell me... Won't you be my princess today?" He asks in a flirty way. My face begins to heat up and I look over at Takashi, who is looking my way with an angry expression on his face. Uh oh... Blondie better calm down before Takashi kicks his butt.

"She doesn't seem very interested in you, Tamaki...But what about us?" One boy says. His identical twin comes on the other side on me and grabs my arm. "Yes. Two is always so much better than one." The other one says. "But I only want you Hikaru." The twin flies into his brothers arms and they hold each other romantically. "Oh Kaoru..." I look at the both of them in disgust.

"Hey guys! Stop this right now before you get both me and Takashi to beat you up!" Mitsukuni says, hopping off of Takashi's shoulders and now standing between me and the three other boys with his stuffed bunny in his arms. "What do you mean, Honey?" The tall one with black hair and glasses asks. "Rina is Mori's Twin sister." He says, confidently putting his hands on his hips in a super hero pose. Takashi comes over t my side and puts a hand on my shoulder and furrows his eyebrows. "Therefore, he is protective of her." The brunette boy says.

"Mori! You never told us you had a twin sister. Honey never mentioned it either." Takashi is silent and just stares at the group in front of me. He's so quiet when it's not just me or Mitsukuni in he room.  "Well... I was studying in England for the past 10 years." I explain to them.

"Well... I understand that you are a sibling of one on the members... But we must still treat you like a princess. You are a lady after all." The blonde says again, taking my arm and leading me to a table. "The hos club hasn't officially opened for customers to come in yet, so why don't we do introductions? I'm Tamaki." The blonde says. 

"I'm Haruhi." The brunette says.

"I'm Hikaru..." One twin says. "And I'm Kaoru!" The other twin says.

"And that just leaves me. I'm Kyoya." The tall black haired boy says, pushing he glasses up the bride of his nose.

I look at everyone individually. "Wait... So what exactly is this club about?" I ask. "Well we like to entertain our lady customers. Make them feel like princesses and feed them sweets with tea or coffee." Tamaki explains. "We also have a type for every client that comes through the doors." Kyoya says. I give them a questioning look. "For example... I, Tamaki Suoh, am the prince charming type." He says. "Haruhi is the natural type." I look over at Haruhi who is smiling at me already. I smile back and give a small wave. "Kyoya is the cool type." My eyes go to Kyoya who is expressionless, but still looking at me. "Hikaru and Kaoru are the little devil types." The twins look at me playfully and them smile and wave. "Then you have Honey, who is the cute type and Mori, who is the strong and silent type."  I look over at my brother and he shrugs at me.

Why would Takashi be in a club like this? That doesn't sound like him at all...

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