3| Shocked...

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It was the next day, and time for clubs. I followed Takashi and Mitsukuni down the hall, looking out the huge windows as we passed them. I let out a small sigh as we reach the doors of the club room, hoping neither of them had heard it as they opened the doors.

Takashi stops in front of me, allowing Mitsukuni to enter the room without him. "Takashi?" I ask. He turns on his heel and completely faces me. "You don't have to come with us you know." he says. I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head. "I never said I didn't want to come, Takashi." He shakes his head back at me. "No you didn't... But that sigh implied it."

Why is he so angry today?

I followed behind him and into the music room. "Rina! I'm so happy you've returned to us!" Tamaki exclaims, coming over to me with open arms. I put my arms out in front of me to avoid his affectionate hug, which I had heard from Haruhi that they were torture. "Yes I'm here... I actually have a question." I say. Kyoya comes over to us both and joins in our conversation. "What's wrong, Rina?" Kyoya asks. I meet his eyes and give a small smile. "Nothing is wrong. I was just going to say that since I'm not a host and I'm not a customer, is there anything i can do to help you guys out while you're with your clients." I explain. Tamaki smiles and looks at Kyoya. 

"We actually talked this out yesterday when you left." Tamaki says. I give him a confused look. He snaps his fingers and the twins run to me, each grabbing one of my arms and dragging me to the dressing room. I yell out for help, but by they time I did I was already behind the curtain and in front of a mirror. "Put on the outfit that's in there." Kaoru says from the other side of the curtain.

Moments later, I walk out of the dressing room and sigh. Hikaru and Kaoru had already left to get ready for the clients. I stand alone in the changing room and look at myself in the mirror. The club had provided me with a maid outfit to wear while helping by serving drinks and sweets. "Oh...Rina." I hear Haruhi say as he walks into the dressing room. I turn and look at him and sigh even louder and harder than before. "I'm sorry to say this, but I'm glad you're wearing that rather than me." I stare at him in confusion. "Why would they make you wear this Haruhi?" I ask.

Haruhi pauses for a second and chuckles. "I forgot you don't know." He says. "I don't know what?" Obviously confused by his words, I furrow my eyebrows and cross my arms waiting for a response. He clears his throat. "Rina... I'm not actually male. I'm a girl just like you. My name and my looks make it seem like I'm a guy. Actually when I joined this club I broke an expensive vase and didn't have enough money for a proper uniform. I walked around in clothing that I guess made me look like a boy with my short hair." Haruhi explains. My eyes were wide with shock from what I was hearing. "Oh..." I say, letting the information set in before talking further. "Well I'm just glad I'm not the only girl in this club." I give Haruhi a small smile. She smiles big and bright, moving towards me for a hug. "Haruhi, can I ask a favor?" She looks at me and nods, waiting for my request. "Could you grab me some scissors? I think this maid outfit needs a bit of a present day makeover."

I walked into the club room. The air smelled of coffee and sweets, and everyone was talking and having a good time as usual. I grab a tray with extra cups, a pot of coffee, and a few sweets, planning to make my way around the room asking for refills or more desserts. 

Going around to all the tables, the other girls stared at me. They would look me up and down and soon after, just stare. I made it  over to Kyoya's table, offering to refill and give more sweets. One of the girls sitting right next to Kyoya looked very familiar to me. She looked me up and down and then smiled, laughing a little bit. "Rina... I see that you changed your outfit up a bit." Kyoya says. I smiled and nodded. "I'm sorry if I wasn't allowed to. I just wanted to give it a makeover because it was really out of date and it looked weird on me." I explain. "And that doesn't?" The girl says under her breath. I look at her as she giggles with the other girls at the table. Kyoya clears his throat, causing the giggles to stop. "I actually quite like what you have done to it, Rina. You have quite the talent with clothing." He gives me a small smile. I smile back and look at the girls with a smirk before grabbing my tray and heading over to Takashi and Mitsukuni's table.


The club room was finally rid of all the customers, leaving just the club members. I went around and started to clean off all the tables, while Haruhi helped me by picking up all the trash and dishes. "Rina, Could you come here for a second?" Kyoya says as I finished with the last table. I went to grab the rest of the dishes from Haruhi, but she refused to have me take them. "Nope I got this Rina. You go and talk to Kyoya." She says with a reassuring smile. I smiled back at her and made my way in Kyoya's direction.

"Yes Mister Kyoya?" I say when I finally make my way across the room to him. "No need for the mister... Just call me Kyoya." he says. I nod and wait for him to continue. "I would like to offer you a little deal." He says. "What?" I ask. "Let me explain. Ususally we pay someone to make the outfits for our themed days with our customers. We pay quite a lot for those outfits. We could be using that money for better things to improve the quality of the time we spend with the girls. So, I would like to offer that you make the outfits for our themed days." He says. "Oh...Wait. Why me?" I ask, confused. "I believe that you have a great talent for fashion and clothes. It would be so much cheaper for the club and we would of course provide you with the fabrics and any other materials needed for the making of the outfits."

"Wait Kyoya...You're serious about this? I'm not really that good at making clothes." I was super shocked as to why he was asking me. "Rina... I really believe you can make some incredible stuff. I want you to at least show me what you can do for the next themed day that we have coming up. We have outfits already ordered and on the way, but if you're outfits are better than the ones that we ordered, then I would love to offer the position to do that for the club." I stood there for a second, thinking about what was being said to me.

"Oh my goodness! Yes of course. I'll go shopping for the materials that I need. I won't let you down Kyoya." I say excitedly. Kyoya smiles at me and nods for me to go back to what I was doing. "Haruhi! Guess what?" I say excitedly as I run in her direction, excited to tell her the news.

Kyoya's POV

I watch Rina run to Haruhi with a smile on my face. "I didn't know you could smile like that." I hear Tamaki say from behind me. "Shut up. I wasn't smiling. I was just offering her a position to be our designer for our themed days." I say. "Hey, I'm just going to warn you that Mori would probably get really mad if you started hitting on his sister. He already told me off for it." Tamaki warns. I shake my head. "I wouldn't even dream about that. Rina is a part of our club and that's all she is to me. Just someone to be friends with while also working for me." I say with a smirk on my face as I look up at Tamaki.


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