5| The Secret That Can't Be Told

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*Takashi's POV*

"Takashi, I have something important to discuss with you. It's about Rina." My mother spoke in a serious tone.

She was never this serious. Hearing her say that I knew it was going to be something I needed to know or hear from her, rather than my father who was barely home. I stood up from my desk in my room and walked down the staircase and into the living room, where my mother sat in front of the fireplace on the floor. She was drinking some tea and listening to vinyl on the record player.

I quietly sat down next to her, taking a cup of tea and sipping it. She didn't look at me. All she did was take a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"Takashi... You're about to start middle school. I think you're old enough to know this." She says taking another sip of her tea before turning to look at me. She sat her tea cup down on the table between us, giving me her full attention.

I started to tremble, thinking that Rina might not be coming back in the next couple of years like she promised. I wouldn't be able to handle not seeing her again. We had spent our entire childhood together. I missed her everyday.

"Takashi... I know this is going to sound crazy, and you might not understand it at first." She says with sad eyes. I gave her a puzzled look. Sighing, she finally spit it out. "You and Rina aren't actually twins."

My eyes widened in shock. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Rina and I had been together for the first half of our lives so far. She moved to go to a prodigy school after we had only went to school together for one full year. And we have similar features.

"Are you sure? Rina and I have the same birthday and we look similar." I say. Thinking about it Rina's hair was a bit more brown than mine. And her eyes were a light brown. We obviously couldn't be identical though. Boy and girl twins aren't identical, but sometimes that have similar features.

That being said, I could see how we weren't twins at all. I could see how sometimes when we were little, people wouldn't think that we were twins. We really don't look THAT similar.

"I'm sorry Takashi. I know this is a lot to take in. And right before your exams too." My mother looks down in disappointment. She was upset with herself.

"Don't be mad at yourself mother... I understand why you had to tell me. You couldn't keep it a secret forever." I say, giving her a small smile when she looked up at me. She smiled back and hugged me tight.

"Thank you for understanding Takashi... But please promise me that you won't tell Rina. She can't know until I'm ready to tell her. I have to do it when the time is right." She says. I nod with a smile telling her that I promised.

End of flashback

I have to tell Rina that I've known about this for years. I spent the last couple of years forgetting that we were ever real twins or siblings. So if she were to go back with her real parents it wouldn't hurt so bad. I have to tell her.

This whole situation had been bothering me for days. When mother told Rina, I acted like I hadn't known about this beforehand. I hate lying to Rina... She'll find out eventually and then she won't ever want to speak to me again.

I sigh and look out the window of my bedroom. I see Rina outside with Mitskuni running throughout the rose garden and laughing. I smiled, watching her have fun and being herself.

"Oh..." I hard from behind me. I turn around to see our maid Dohee standing in my door way. "It was so quiet in here that I thought you were outside with Rina and Mitskuni." She says.

"It's fine Dohee. If you need to clean in here I can go out there or to a different room." I say. I turn back towards the window to watch one last time.

"You know... I always thought you and Rina got along so well when you were little. But I remember the day your mother told you that you guys weren't actually twins. You took it so well. I was surprised." She says.

"I just knew that my mother wanted me to not hate her for having us think that we were actually related. I didn't want to upset her more." I explain.

Dohee nods. "You spent all that time forgetting that you and Rina were actually siblings that I think you might just like her like a childhood friend."

I look at her with my eyes wide. "No... I can't do that. It would be wrong to have feelings for Rina. Right?"

"Not necessarily. For you, you knew about this whole situation years before she had. She would have a harder time with you having feelings for her, but that doesn't mean that she won't feel like that in the future. You aren't siblings... You aren't related in any way except for being raised in the same house by the same people. That's it."

Do I have feelings for Rina?

I sigh and take my textbook from my desk. "You can go ahead and clean in here Dohee... I need some fresh air." I say, walking out of the room.

Dohee grabs my wrist before I get too far down the hallway. I turn back to her one last time. "Just think about it." She says. I nod and make my way down the stairs.

That just can't be possible... I can't like Rina.... That's wrong... Right?

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