Childhood Friends

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I know I said that this was gonna be sad, but I was not in the mood to write sad stuff. Also, I was grounded yesterday cuz my brother hit me and I WWE slammed him into an air mattress. I was like "He's twelve he can handle it" but nO HE STARTED CRYING. so yeah I'm more behind than before but I'm on break until next week so I'll catch up. This chapter is adorable and sappy so have fun with that. Enjoyyyyy~

~Kirishima's POV~

I sat on the bench by my local playground on my DS, pretending to watch my younger sister and praying in the back of my mind she stayed safe. My mom told me to take my sister out to play, and I did. I followed her instructions perfectly, and I'm gonna beat this boss! Multitasking.

My mom got me this DS for Christmas and I really haven't had the time to care about anything else since, but if get in trouble if I didn't take her to the park, so here I am.

I tried to ignore the glare on my screen and keep playing since I was about to get to the boss level, but then something distracted me.

"Mom look!" another boy my age said, pointing at me.

"That boy's got a scar! Look at it!" he said louder.

"KATSUKI STOP POINTING JESUS CHRIST, " His mom yelled back at him.

I felt my face heat up from embarrassment.

This stupid scar because of my stupid quirk. Everyone laughs at me about it... I'd be better off quirkless.

"But mom look! It's so cool, " he said staring at me.

We made eye contact for a few seconds and I felt my face heat up for a different reason. I couldn't exactly put my finger on what it was, but I wasn't embarrassed anymore.

I tried to pretend I couldn't see him and glanced his way every few seconds. When I thought he had walked away, I looked around the playground. I saw my sister playing with some other kids and a few parents of the other benches, but no sign of the boy.

"Boo, " someone said quietly from behind me. I jumped at the sudden noise and turned to see who it was, expecting my sister.

"Ah! It's you, " I said when I saw the bit from before.

"What do you want, to bully me some more?" I pouted.

His face changed from amusement to confusion fairly quickly after I spoke.

"What do you mean? I just said your scar looks pretty manly, " he said defensively.


We stared at each other with slight confusion until he spoke again.

"My name's Bakugo Katsuki. You should be my friend, " he said, holding out his hand to help me up.

His smile was beaming at me as I took his hand and stood up. He dragged me over to the swing set where there was only one seat left open.

"Oi, what's your name by the way?" he asked suddenly.

"K-Kirishima, " I stuttered.

I wasn't very used to being dragged around the playground by random boys, but this seemed to be a change for the better.

"Kirishima... Cool! Sit down there and I'll push you, " he said pointing at the swing.

I dropped my bag down by the metal bars holding up the swing and sat down on the wooden slab.

"I'm ready!" I said, slightly more excited.

"Okay, you better hold on though! I'm not gonna go easy on you, " he responded and started pushing.

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