1. That Moment When You Accidentally Win Dragon Training

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[The semifinals of dragon training in the arena]

"Stay out of my way! I'm winning this thing." Astrid said in a low and menacing voice, as she gripped her axe tightly. Her piercing blue glare sliced through Hiccup like a warm knife through yak butter. Her golden-blonde braid swung behind her as she turned to face the locked door of the dragon pen.

"Good. Please, by all means." Hiccup muttered under his breath, trying to figure out how to lose without letting the poor dragon get hurt.

Shouts of encouragement could be heard from the villagers (directed at Astrid of course).

The dragon was released, a Gronckle.

"This time! This time, for sure!" Astrid whispered to herself, trying to reassure herself before leaping out from behind the barricade with a viking war cry.

However, Hiccup had already subdued the creature, then Astrid got angry.

"NO! NO! SON OF HALF-TROLL, RAT-EATING MUNGE BUCKET!" She yelled. Stoick, who had been sitting outside the arena; watching, began conversing with the elders.

"So, later." Hiccup said, trying to escape.

"Not so fast!" Gobber said, grabbing the back of Hiccup's tunic.

"I'm kinda late for—", Hiccup began, before Astrid cut him off.

"What?! Late for what, exactly?!" Astrid shouted, gesturing wildly and terrifyingly with her axe.

"Okay, quiet down. The Elder has decided." Stoick boomed.

Gobber raised his hand above Astrid's head – suggesting her, Elder Gothi narrowed her eyes and shook her head, frowning. When Gobber repeated the action for Hiccup, Gothi smiled and nodded, everyone was surprised, though some pretended not to be (they weren't very convincing).

"You've done it! You've done it, Hiccup! You get to kill the dragon!" Gobber praised, astonished and filled with joy.

"Ha, ha! That's my boy!" Stoick boomed, giving a hearty, happy laugh.

People began cheering, and somewhat liking the boy. Fishlegs and Snotlout even went as far as lifting the auburn-haired boy up on their shoulders in celebration

"Heh. Oh, yeah(!) Yes(!) I can't wait." Hiccup said sarcastically, not that anyone noticed.


"I'm so ...LEAVING! We're leaving. Let's pack up. Looks like you and me are taking a little vacation, forever." Hiccup announced to Toothless. He had finally escaped everyone and made it to the cove to see his dragon.

He'd seen Astrid on the way to the cove and almost been hit by her axe as she was training, even with the basket of fish over his shoulder, he'd been able to lose her in the forest he knew like the back of his hand.

He groaned, just realising now that he would need to go back to Berk to get everything he would need to survive. He began formulating a plan. He decided that he would go to his house first and pack the stuff he would need from there and then go to the forge. Hopefully everyone would be too busy celebrating (by which I mean getting drunk) the fact that he wasn't a disaster anymore to question where he was. He told Toothless he would be back around midnight, and that they would be leaving this place soon, the dragon nodded and went back to his meal, knowing he'd need the energy.

When Hiccup got back to his house, he wrote two letters: one for his father; Stoick, and one for his mentor; Gobber. He left them in his room on his desk, he knew his father would find them.

[Back in the cove]

"Looks like we're about ready to go bud." Hiccup whispered, as he attached the last of his possessions to Toothless' saddle. "Y'know, I'm gonna miss this place."

Toothless crooned at his rider, a sympathetic look in his green eyes.

"I mean the cove bud, not Berk. Well, maybe Gobber, but I can't kill that Nightmare, it would mean betraying you, I won't do it. Say goodbye to Berk, Toothless, with any luck we'll never see it again."

They took off, circled once, and didn't look back.

AN: I hope you liked the first part of the story! Please leave comments if I made any grammar mistakes or anything and tell me what you think.

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