Episode 1: RWBY

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man here!

Welcome to Toxic Fandoms, the show where I reveal the depths of depravity some fans are willing to go to for their favorite shows! I'm your host and fandom expert, Author Man!

Now, seeing as how this is the first episode of my new show, I'll give a brief explanation of how this show works.

Basically, I have a set of categories that I will be judging certain fandoms on once a week (depending on how much you guys like this). I will give each category a score out of ten and at the end, the scores will be averaged out to give a final score for the entire fandom. The final score will be called the TOXICITY SCALE.

The categories are:

Welcoming-Are they open to new members and others?

Appreciation-Do they appreciate the show and its creators?

Creativity-Easy, is the fandom creative or not?

Relevancy-Is the fandom relevant in a larger community or on the internet?

Shipping-*sigh* Do the fans ship characters with no actual shipping in the show?/Is the show ruined by shipping?


I do not judge the quality of the shows, but the quality will be taken into consideration.


Alright, this has been a while in the making, and I've had my eyes on a specific fandom forever


Yep, a show I have written many stories on, but also one that may be one of the most toxic fandoms I've ever looked at. It's well known for hating their own creators, being ungrateful shits, and hating newcomers and even you tubers that bring attention to them.

I don't wanna drone on any longer than I have to, so here we go kids!


Category 1: Welcoming.

Oh boy, there's a lot to say about this.

Let's start with some positives.

They seem to be largely open to new members, at least here on Wattpad. On other sites like Reddit and Tumblr, it's a little iffy, but it's generally easy to get into the fandom.

But the problem comes with YouTube.

Oh boy, they hate You tubers that like their show. They attack, claw, and destroy anyone who dares mention their precious show. While it is sometimes justified, like when a you tuber attacks a creator or something like that, it's usually unjustified and dumb.

Yeah, I hate it when people attack Monty Oum too (Rest In Peace good sir), but you don't need to attack everyone.

Aright, category score, here we come. With a generally good view on newcomers but a negative track record with you tubers, the final score is...


Category 2: Appreciation.

The RWBY fandom is a bunch of ungrateful, terribly whiny little bitches who hate every episode that isn't made to their exact specifications.

They have a history of attacking creators and writers for killing off certain characters, no matter how good it is for the plot.

This had caused the show to become a hellhole of shipping, plot holes, and other shit that makes no sense for the show.

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