Season 1 Finale: Rick and Morty

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man!

Yes, sadly, all good things must come to an end. This season has been amazing, and your support for this story is outstanding.

To explain, this series was only supposed to be three episodes. I was going to stop and do this chapter then, and see how it turns out. If the series didn't get much attention, I was going to scrap this project and move on.

But luckily, this project got your guys' attention, and you blew it up. I was met with so much support for this project, that I decided to keep going. All the way to where we are now.

As for the season finale, it just means I'm going to be taking a week or two for a break to study up on some newer fandoms and shows. Next season, we're coming back bigger than ever!

So without further ado...

Welcome to Toxic Fandoms, the show where I reveal the depths of depravity some fans will go to for their favorite shows! I'm Author Man, your host, guide, and expert on the terrifying wasteland we call the interent!

You all know how the show works; I pick a fandom each week and review them based on my five WACRS (Welcoming, Appreciation, Creativity, Relevancy, and Shipping). The fandom is given a score out of five for each section and at the end of the episode, all scores are averaged out and the fandom is given it's place on my TOXICITY SCALE!

Last week we used the WHEEL OF FANDOMS to decide which fandom I would rate, but this week, that's unnecessary.

The fandom I'm after today is...



For those of you questioning if I've lost it, my answer is:

I never had it in the first place.

Anyway, let's give a breif explanation of Rick and Morty for those of you who haven't heard of these cancerous little wastes before.

According to the guys at Wikipedia:

Rick and Morty is an American created by and for 's late-night programming block . The series follows the misadventures of cynical Rick and his good-hearted but fretful grandson Morty, who split their time between domestic life and interdimensional adventures. The series premiered on December 2, 2013, and the third season concluded on October 1, 2017. In May 2018, the series was picked up for an additional 70 episodes over an unspecified number of seasons.

We all know these people. These are the fans who lost their shit over a little bit of ketchup and Worcestershire sauce, seriously.


I do not judge the quality of the media, though the quality will be taken into consideration for some categories.

Ratings are based off facts, not feelings. Thus, anecdotal stories will be taken as tertiary sources.


Anyway, let's put this beast in the ring, so I can take it down.

Category 1: Welcoming

Oh boy, this is going to be a good one.

This fandom is full of "Peusdo-intellectuals" who claim to be as smart as Rick. While this is bull shit, I'm not going to talk about that right now.

These people hold the view that if you do not think Rick is a good who everyone should be like, you have no right to be a member of the fandom. These people are ravenous wolves, ready to kill someone should they show the slightest dissent.

Perhaps I shouldn't even call them wolves, since at least wolves have a pack. These fans are more like honey badgers, cause they're not terrifying but everyone hates dealing with them.

I would say that this doesn't give them a bad score in total, if this were a minority in the fandom. But this is the majority of members, and no one  else in the fandom seems intent on stopping them.

I'm actually have a hard time explaining how bad this fandom is. I seriously think you should do a little research for yourself if you want to know a little more.

Give 'em their score boys!

Category Score: -10/10

Category 2: Appreciation

Alright, let's give them some credit. But not for the right reason.

After a season is finished, these weird slugs just kinda slither back in their holes. Nothing really happens, no major beef is created, and no "Psuedo-intellectuals" are seen until the next season is released.

It's like they only exist to watch the show and die out when the show isn't there to support their souls.

But that's a theory, and we don't do that here.

Category Score: 4/10.

Category 3: Creativity

These people are even less creative than the Steven Universe fandom.

There's no good fanart, the porn is meh at best, and the memes...

The most unoriginal part of the fandom is the memes.

These people quote a somewhat funny moment from the show, *cough* pickle rick *cough*, and pretend that its the funniest thing in the world. The memes aren't actually funny, they aren't intelligent, and require no creativity or originality.

Add all this together, you've got one of the worst, least creative fandoms on our world wide web.

And we're nowhere near finished.

Category Score: -10/10.

Category 4: Relevancy

Nope. Nothing going.

These people mean nothing to anyone outside of the fandom. No one cares about their crappy show, no one cares about their terrible memes, and no one cares about their fandom.

I haven't thought about this show since season three was released, and now they're going to season seven or some crap like that. And I'm not alone.

Everyone I've spoken to has the same thing with this fandom. I  can ask ten people what Rick and Morty is, and only 3/10 would actually know. And only 1 out of those three would actually watch the show.

Sorry guys, but you mean nothing.

Category Score: -15/10

Category 5: Shipping

Not much to say here. It's not the type of show where shipping is a major deal in the fandom.

The worst example of shipping I can find is RickXMissFrizzle, yes, the magic school bus lady. The only evidence for this was that one of the characters has red hair.

Other than that, I got nothing. You get by this time.

Category Score: 5/10.

Final Words:

This fandom is a hellhole, and there's not much I can say to emphasize that. Everyone knows what this fandom is possible of and does on a regular basis. It's terrible, and no one likes talking about it.

Other than that, I want to thank you guys for a successful season, and I look forward to another one in the future. This beer's for you guys.

Give 'em the final score boys, I'm going on vacation.

Drum roll please...

Final Score: -5.2/10

It's been an awesome season guys, so let's say it together.


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