Episode 4: Undertale

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Hey everybody, its your friendly neighborhood Author Man!

Welcome to Toxic Fandom, where I reveal the depths of depravity some fans will go to for their favorite shows, movies, and games. I'm Author Man, your professor in Fandomology 101. Today we will be getting some hands on experience, so please get your note books out.

You guys know how the show works, I rate a fandom based on the five categories, my WACRS: Welcoming, Appreciation, Creativity, Relevancy, and Shipping. The score will be out of 10, then I average out all the scores and put it on my TOXICITY SCALE!

Hey guys, it's good to be back! I can't believe it's been two weeks since the last episode, I missed this! Anyway, I don't wanna disappoint any of you, so let's go big.

That's right, this weeks fandom on the chopping block...


Yes! I've been waiting for this one! I hate this fandom so much, you don't even know.

Since this is an oldie but a goodie, let's get a good basis on our source material. After all, a good Fandomologist always has sources.

According to Wikipedia:

Undertale is a created by American . Players control a child who has fallen into the Underground, a large, secluded region under the surface of the Earth, separated by a magic barrier. The player meets various monsters during a quest to return to the surface, mainly through the combat system; the player navigates through mini- attacks by the opponent, and can opt to pacify or subdue monsters in order to spare them instead of murdering them. These choices affect the game, with the dialogue, characters, and story changing based on outcomes.

I'm pretty sure most of you know what Undertale is. They have one of the most infamous, yet young, fandoms on the internet. By young, I mean comparatively to the infamous fandoms we all know, like Dragon Ball, Naruto, and Fairy Tale.


I do not judge the quality of the media, though the quality will be taken into consideration for some categories.

Ratings are based off facts, not feelings. Thus, anecdotal stories will be taken as tertiary sources.


Anyway, let's get into it.

Category 1: Welcoming


Are you kidding me?! These people are known for the fact that they hate new people! If you didn't find it when the game had just come out, they want nothing to do with you!

Alright, my producers are telling me that I need to give an example, cause I'm not emphasizing enough.

Let's give the example of Game Theory.

As many of you can probably tell, I am a theorist, and have been subscribed since some of the earliest videos (Specifically before the boob video, back all the way to the first episode.). RIP Ronnie.

Anyway, I was watching when MatPat told the story of how the Undertale fandom treated him and his followers. To summarize, they were told that "You aren't welcome here" and there were even people sending death threats to MatPat and the theorists.

DEATH THREATS, people. To a youtuber who makes gaming theories. He was bringing attention to them and making them popular, and they threatened to kill him.

Anyway, here's the score.

Category Score: -5/10

Category 2: Appreciation

To be fair, this category doesn't really apply to them.

To the extremists of the series, at least.

By the time Toby Fox released the "Sequel" (I put it in quotes, you sweaty buttmunchers. I know it's not officially connected.), the oldest fans didn't care, and all the younger fans went to play the new game. So appreciation wise, they even themselves out.

Huh, zero sum game.

Category score: 0/10

Category 3: Creativity

Okay, this is awkward for me. Listen up students, cause one of the founding principles of fandomology is that memes are an art form.

And when it comes to memes, Undertale should have this.

But the memes don't come from the fandom.

No, they really don't. The memes come from people on the internet, originating from Reddit and 4chan, who use the characters and situations from the game as memes to MAKE FUN OF THE FANDOM!

Of course, the fandom does produce some, a very little amount, good art. But most of it is porn, which I would normally take into account, but it doesn't even really work as porn cause it's not even decent quality.

All and all...

Category Score: -3/10.

Category 4: Relevancy

Nope. The memes, theories, and songs stopped coming after a year or less.

Seriously, some of the latest stuff I've seen from this game are actually about it's "Sequel" which is still not confirmed to connect to the original story. Even the most recent theories I've seen come from Game Theory, who doesn't qualify as one of the fandom members, and doesn't count for the score.

Overall, the creative people of the fandom have, wisely, gotten the hell out of dodge.

Category Score: -2/10

Chapter 5: Shipping

Undertale has some interesting ships, but to their credit, they seem to have some binding in the game.

Alphys and the blue chick, for example.

But there are some other ships, your typical, non cannonical bullshit. But nothing so bad it ruins the game.

Category Score: 0/10

Final words:

Take notes children, this will be on the final exam.

This fandom is well known for it's unwelcoming members and their absolute lack of creativity. This drags down their total score, but with two zero sums, it might be evened out.

Who am I kidding? They're gonna be even worse than RWBY, and we know it.

Drum roll please...

UNDERTALE, your final rating on my TOXICITY SCALE is...


See you next class children, be sure to study!

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