Episode 5: Steven Universe

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man!

Welcome to Toxic Fandoms, the show where I reveal the depths of depravity some fans will go to for their favorite shows! I'm Author Man, your host, guide, and expert on fandoms and the internet!

You guys know how the show works, I rate a fandom based on the five categories, my WACRS: Welcoming, Appreciation, Creativity, Relevancy, and Shipping. The score will be out of 10, then I average out all the scores and put it on my TOXICITY SCALE!

Today we have a special guest, the WHEEL OF FANDOMS! Alright, I'm really excited to see what we'll get, so here we go.

Wheel of Fandoms, you are great, show me the fandom I should rate!

And our fandom this week...


This is the classic tale of a kids show that caught the attention of some strange ass adults. This is a fandom that's... notorious, let's say, on the internet for being a shithole.

Here's my typical little description for you guys, copied straight from Wikipedia:

Steven Universe is an American  created by Rebecca Sugar  for Cartoon Network. It premiered on May 21, 2013 with its pilot, then on November 4, 2013 with its first season. It is Cartoon Network's first animated show created solely by a woman. It is the  of a young boy,  (voiced by ), who lives with the Crystal Gems—magical, humanoid aliens named  (),  (), and  ()—in the fictional town of Beach City. Steven, who is half-Gem, has adventures with his friends and helps the Gems protect the world from their own kind. The themes of the series include love, family, and the importance of healthy interpersonal relationships. Books, comics and video games based on the series have been released, and a television film is in development.

This fandom is well known for being... well, the "Bronies" but worse. They are made up of a bunch of 20-something "Adults" who do nothing but watch a motherf*cking Cartoon Network show.

Also, I've recently found a new way to get information and research, thanks Reddit!


I do not judge the quality of the media, though the quality will be taken into consideration for some categories.

Ratings are based off facts, not feelings. Thus, anecdotal stories will be taken as tertiary sources.


Anyway, let's get into it with the first category.

Category 1: Welcoming


I know it's common for me to laugh, but this is funny as f*cking hell.

The Steven Universe Fandom, collectively known as the SU Fandom, are known for being unaccepting of opinions and toxic. Kinda why I'm writing this.

In these way, the only way to describe them is fascist. They absolutely despise any opinions that don't agree with theirs and commonly block out new members for the sole reason that they are new. That same attitude has caused some, not more sane but slightly less insane, members of the community to leave and create what I wold define as a "Fringe-Fandom".

This "Fringe-Fandom" is almost as bad, just not as bad as the full fandom.

Either way, you all know this fandom. Seriously, if your own members are telling you you're toxic and unaccepting, you have a problem.

Category Score: -7/10.

Category 2: Appreciation

Ehh, not much to say here. It's kinda like the "Bronies", they just have so many episodes they don't have time to complain that there's nothing new.

Trust me, in a few years, they'll be just like the RWBY fandom, having watch all the episodes and demanding more and more every week. But I've already shit on RWBY.

You got me on this one SU.

Category Score: 5/10.

Category 3: Creativity


Okay listen. I consider memes, YTPs, and even... porn... as art forms. But, this fandom...

They don't even make good porn or memes! They absolutely suck!

There's not even good music!

Okay, let me explain. The MLP Fandom, while weird as hell, had good music, videos, and fanart. The RWBY fandom, as much as I hate them, has decent (if unoriginal) art.

But the SU Fandom has absolutely nothing redeeming in this category. All the art I've seen sucks, and the memes would make Lord Pepe come back to Earth from Heaven just to kill us with Kek.

Praise Kek.

Anyway, here's your final scores, ye uncreative bastards.

Category Score: -2/10.

Category 4: Relevancy

Once again, I have to laugh.


This is a CARTOON NETWORK flick, remind you. Nothing this fandom could ever do would be relevant to anyone but them. They could go into full-on war with the MLP fandom, and the only reason I'd know is because it's my job.

They are only known for the fact that they are super toxic.

This fandom is completely irrelevant, as is the fate of all Cartoon Network Fandoms.

Category Score: 1/10.

Category 5: Shipping


*Author_Man.exe has shut down*

*Windows Boot Up Noise*

Alright, I'm back.

The problem with this, is that I haven't seen any of the show.

Let's get something straight, I am a professor of Fandomology, I do not care about the shows themselves. I only care about the fandom.

The problem here is that there are a millions characters, and most of them have strange and ridiculous names. It's impossible to keep these guys straight, or to tell which ships are cannon.

So, in this situation we must refer to the Fandom-Shipping Law, specifically section 8-3A:

All Fandoms, when no specific evidence of noncannonical shipping is available, will be given a score that will even out the worst score from a previous section. For an example, if given a -3/10, the even score will be 3/10. If this score is under -5, the score given to even it out will always be 5, no larger.

Thank you, Newton, for that solution.

Not Sir Isaac, Professor Tom Newton from Illinois.

Category Score: 5/10.

Final Words:

To conclude, this fandom is one of the most toxic on the internet, though not the worse. Many see it as it is, even those who are a part of the Fandom, a fascist dictatorship of popularity and shitstorms.

Anyway, I'm tired and it's late. This Reddit page and Wikipedia page have been in my tabs for about two hours (The average amount of time I spend writing. JUST WRITING). I'm gonna jack off and go to bed, so good night.


STEVEN UNIVERSE, your final rating on my TOXICITY SCALE is...


See ya in another life Brotha!

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