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The girl stood in the middle of her room aggressively taking off her clothes, while a boy sat on her king sized bed and watched.

"I don't even get what he sees in her." She ranted, tossing her crop top into the hamper.

"He's just being friendly." He shrugged, handing her a black sports bra.

"No," She slipped it on, rolling her eyes. "he's being dumb."

"You barely know her." He sighed and she scoffed, shocked at her best friends change of sides.

He turned away as she pulled down her skinny jeans. "Hunny," She tossed those into the hamper as well. "I know her."

"Have you already internet stalked her?" He cracked a smile as she struggled to pull her leggings on.

"No, but I've read my fair share of fan fictions."

At that moment, another boy entered the room, munching on an apple. "Oh god."

"She walked right in with that stupid act; thinking that she's better than everyone else because of her stupid sob story."

"You don't know that for sure." Jeno said, taking a seat at her vanity. He too was dressed in workout clothes.

"Oh yes, I do." She stressed, slipping on her sneakers.

"In Cheri's defense, did you not notice how she stares a lot." Haechan said.

"Finally, you're back on my side." She called out, tying her hair into a pony tail.

"In her head, she probably thinks that we're all staring at her." Jeno finally finished his apple. "Yuna's probably feeling insecure cause she's new."

"Insecure my ass!" Cheri walked right up to Jeno and sat down on his lap. "Guaranteed, she's already in love with Jaemin."

"Ah yes, 'The boy who's hard chest she crashed into, thinking that he was a wall.'" Haechan backed her up, still extremely amused.

"That's exactly it!" She angled herself to be right in Jeno's face. "Come on! You have to see it from my perspective."

"If I saw things from your perspective, then we'd both be dead by now."

It's true. Jeno is Cheri's oldest friend, they've known each other since they were in the womb. Once upon a time, their mothers met in the doctor's waiting room. The future moms were both going in for ultra sounds when the two of them kicked for the first time; which of course, created a bond between the women. Four months later, both of them were born premature. Jeno popped out first on April 23 and Cheri soon followed on May 2, and ever since then, they've been close. Growing up, Jeno was almost always the angel on her shoulder and one of the only people that she'd actively listen to.

"Are you sure you're not jealous of her?" Haechan teased, rolling around on the king sized bed.

"Don't be silly. Look at me and look at her." She crossed her arms and leant back on her childhood friend. She could feel his chest rumble with silent laughter but chose to ignore it. "What is there to be jealous of?"

"Her petite frame?"

"Fuck that." She stood up from her human chair and grabbed her water bottle. "Jeno let's go."

"You two have fun."

♛ ♛ ♛

Rap music blared throughout the apartment's private gym. The two were towards the end of their workout session. Cheri was busy punching at the bag in front of her while Jeno held it steady. They were facing the windows on the mats and a wall full of mirrors parallel to that.

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