Need is Change

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I'm on the spot now. Everyone has found out my deepest, darkest secrets, and now there is nothing left for me hide.

These thorns could keep you out as long as I want until you bring the pliers and break right through. Welcome to my home, trespasser. I hope you're prepared for what you'll see, and hopefully you'll let it slide.

I knew once you plucked every single petal of me, there would be no turning back. Tears started to form and drip down my face. There was no need for you to find out the truth, yet you decided to stumble yourself just to see you wide-eyed.

There you have it. The truth. Now what are you going to do about it? Tell the whole world how corrupt I am? Tell them every single piece of wrongdoing I've committed? Don't worry. You're actions won't leave me petrified.

There I have once again lied.

Wherever I went, they talked behind my back. There was silence in every room I walked into followed by the stares burning the back of my neck. The crimes I have committed are ones I'm not proud of, but you still haven't taken away my pride.

And that pride is myself. That very soul that thought was done for. There was no way I was going to let you take everything away from me. What you thought you took away wasn't my pride at all. It was my downside.

Downside as in all my secrets that have been kept inside for so long, waiting to be opened up to the world so high. I think you've done a favor for me. All those whispers are for the past me. Those "secrets" belong to someone else now. There's a new person living in this body, and that's pride.

Though I was petrified at first, I was able to set things aside and plant a new rose garden. This one will contain all my prides, my passions, and even jealousy. My beliefs, my good-hearted mind, and even my bloodlust will be here. You must be terrified.

I told myself that suicide was my fate, and that my curse will forever haunt me till death. In the end, that's what it takes for you to change. I'm not the person you once knew me as before but as the one known from sea to shining sea.

The Book of The RosesWhere stories live. Discover now