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Yes, circles.

They're everywhere, but do we ever notice them in our lives. Hopefully you do, or I would be going crazy.

I notice them from the actions I have commited. You know the saying "what goes around comes around"? That's exactly what I noticed.

I didn't think that this circle was going to ever meet the beginning again, but it has.

It all happened at once. I was sad, then shocked, then scared, and now, I'm smiling from ear to ear.

I didn't think that this circle would ever change the way I view things, but it has.

It all happened at once. I was sickening, then demonic, to clean, to regretful, and finally, reborn with a change of heart.

I noticed this one from the actions I will soon commit. There is no saying for the way I feel now. That's what I'll soon notice.

They're all around me, and I acknowledge you. Sooner or later, you will also notice them going around you, or you would be the only one going crazy.

Yes, circles.


They changed my point of view of the world.

Or was it you that changed my life.

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