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We are bred into a society of war. To fight is to willingly lose everything you are. We are to become monsters in the battlefield, and we will die as monsters.

We are made to win all wars. To win is to clean this world from purgatory. We will save those who aren't worth saving and kill those who will go to heaven.

We are the devil's henchmen, and we must complete his biddings in order to survive. To follow is to be controlled. We are nothing in the eyes of the devil, and we will die knowing we will never see beyond the fire.

When we are at war, we are the victors. When we win, we slay the weak. When we follow his orders, we know we are good in his eyes. Those are the only eyes we want on us.

There is so much we have wanted in our human lives, but we are not wanted by anyone but him. The sins we committed are greatly accepted by our king, and we will do anything he tells us to do.

We will take Earth for ourselves. The angels don't stand a chance against us.

We are Legion.

We are powerful.

We are following you.

We are your shadow.

And we are always watching.

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