Chapter One // The Strongest Willed are the Weakest Overall // Deadly Life

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Propped up against the corner of the cubicle was Omi Kobayashi, the SHSL Translator.

"What the hell? What the HELL?" I screamed out loudly, alerting Ari, Chikako, Yoshi and Taeko, who rushed towards me.

They all screamed loudly.

"Who would do this?" Taeko asked, almost rhetorically.

"I've never seen this much blood!" Chikako said, backing away slowly.

"T-Too graphic!" Yelled Yoshi.

"Ah. It's seems someone has been manipulated by Monokuma." Ari sighed.

All that did was remind me that one of us did this. One of us had killed her in cold blood.

Omi Kobayashi, who had secretively been so insistent on everyone leaving alive, was dead right before me.

The monitor in the top corner of the room flickered on, showing Monokuma in the mayor's office, sipping a glass of red wine.

"A body has been discovered! Everyone please make your way to the swimming pool locker rooms."

Not even two minutes passed before all 15 of us were crowded around the small door.

Monokuma was also there, laughing away.

I don't think I can stress enough how much pure hatred I had for this stupid bear.

He taunted us while we cried for a little while longer before I guess he got bored or something. He took his place in front of Omi's...body.

"Right! Time to investigate!" He yelled at us all.

"Investigate?" I asked in a confused way.

"That's what I said."

"How do you expect us to investigate this?!" Chikako shouted. "Our friend is dead and you can't just-"

"Woah, woah, woah- friend?" Monokuma asked. "She wasn't your friend. Friends don't kill each other."

"Yeah, and you expect us to believe one of us did it?"

"Precisely. People tend to get a bit desperate when put under stress."

"Yep" Issei began. "And I don't wanna make any accusations, but Haruhi's a cunt."

"Hey! Rude!" Haruhi said, pouting.

"Yeah, that's a bit too far, dude." Said Genki.

"Pfft, whatever." Issei huffed, walking away from Omi's body. "Imma hang out in my room until the end of the investigation."

Monokuma coughed loudly, to get everyone's attention, which worked as we all looked at him.

"Tensions are rising...who's the culprit? Why did they kill poor...umm...uhh..." he paused "OMI! That's her name, yes. Why did they kill poor Omi? Okay, time to investigate!"

"Where to begin?" Asked Sumiko.

"Well, what do you think, Zenzo?" Asked Eiji.

"Me? Why are you asking me?" He replied.

"Cause you, like, worked with the police or whatever. That's how you got your talent, right?" Haruhi said in an exaggerated tone.

Zenzo laughed. "No. That's not- no. I didn't- why?"

"Well then, Mr Smartypants, how *did* you get your talent?"

"I'm not telling you."

"Well are you going to at least help with the investigation?"

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