The one who killed a cat

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The figure ended up falling asleep after the very cryptic message they gave to Anazra. She then carried them back to her makeshift home made into the side of a hill and goes under a few trees. The home was small but still comfortable, it was cozy. It has a soft glow seemingly coming from no where and it always smells of wood smoke and sleepy time tea.

Anazra placed this new addition on her bed, which she rarely slept on and was a mess of pillows and blankets. She took a shameful peek to see if they were indeed male or female. To her major suprize, she found that they were neither. Their was just... Nothing down there. She only spent a moment thinking about this and realized that even though she had everything necessary for sex, she knew that she couldn't become pregnant. She felt no real drive for it either, she just thought it was because their was no need to reproduce.

After she covered "it", she got a good look at them in this light. They were still covered in soot, but even with that they were quite pretty. Their face was both masculine and feminine, they had the general prettiness of a girl with the gentle curves around the eyes and for head, while still looking masculine in the mouth and jaw. Their hair was shorter. Meaning it just brushed their shoulders and it was thick. She couldn't tell it's true color at the moment due to the soot.

After getting a bowl of water and gently wiped the soot from their face and around their head, a knock came upon the large wooden door across the home. Anazra slightly jumped at the sudden noise and became slightly worried at who may be at her door. She made no reply and a few seconds later another knock came upon the door and a voice called through.

"Az? Anazra, open up. It's just me." Called the voice. She did know who it was and immeaditly relaxed at knowing that she wasn't going to have to fight anyone.

" Alright, give me a sec." She called back. After setting the rag back into the warm water and placing it to the side, she stood and walked half way across the room and slightly lifted her hand to the door. She then imagined an invisible force unlocking the door and pulling it open. Soon the door did unlock and opened as she had command.

The door opened slowly, and the man on the other side made no effort to make it go any faster. When the man was in full view, Anazra felt even more relief knowing that it wasn't just a fake. All the man's clothes were covered in dust and dirt. He wore old boots that covered his shins and were falling apart at the seams. It looks as if he once wore black jeans, but prolonged wearing and travels have left them a light grey and dust colored. He wore a simple button up shirt that had many holes and the top three buttons were missing, reviling a fair amount of his chest. Around his neck he seemed to wear a thousand necklaces and each were filled with completely random items. The most notable would have been, the three chicken feet, a small microscope, and a sock. He wore many more, stranger things, but these are what stand out.

The man stepped into the home with a small spiral taking in his soundings. The man then looked right at Anazra.

"Good to see you again Az. How's life been?" He said with a small smile and stepped closer and into the soft glow of light.

"Oh you know, nothing to big has happened. Just people falling from the sky." She said with great sarcasm and sounding exhausted. The man gave a small laugh and gave a pretty smile.

The man actually resembled the owner of the heart. Both were almost six foot and had a mustache that went into a slightly bushy goatee that was trimmed and brushed. Their hair was similar, it was the same chocolate color and for each one, it was long. This one however, always had his hair up in a ponytail and an undercut with the tips of his hair bright orange. Both of their eyes were a perfect almond shape, but this aspect had bright blue eyes and a child like wonder behind them, whereas the owner had more of a grey-green color.

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