Not alone anymore

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He first heard it's snarling. He assumed it was just another Aspect coming to abuse him, or at least try to. He gave a whimper and the burning tears from his sinister looking eyes started to pour. He just laid on the ground, waiting for whoever it was to start kicking or screaming at him. After what seemed years to him he turned to see who it was, and what he saw truly suprized him.

He saw a... Creature. It was crouched low and walking on all fours, but it's body was that of a man. It's head, made more tears stream from his eyes. It was a dog's head, or what would have been if it were living, but it was rotted and it's fur was covered with dirt and blood.

The creature wasn't moving now, it was just staring at him with dead eyes. It made him uncomfortable, then he wondered if this is what it was I like to look into his eyes. He thought his eyes were awful, their was no white to them, what should have been white was just black as ink and his iris was a solid dark green mixed with more black. He hated it. The fact he was almost always crying made him hate it even more. He soon looked away from the creature's eyes and to the ground.

He spoke just above a whisper.

"What is this? Who are you?" The creature cocked it's head to the side. The creature moved to him and came close, it seemed to smell him. He sat up and faced the creature. Tears still streaming. He reached out a hand to see if it was just an illusion from another Aspect.

He was actually surprised to feel it, it's skin was cold and slimy and it felt like it was vibrating. The creature made no move to get away from him, in fact it just got closer until it was against his chest and curling next to him. He had no idea what to do, so he embraced the creature. He hugged it tighter and tighter, he soon realized that he may have been hurting it and stopped but the creature showed no sign of wanting him to stop.

He soon felt something coming up behind him, he and the creature turned. He knew what he was seeing wasn't really their, but it still scared him. The creature got up and looked ready to attack the image. What the two saw was, light. It was a body of light that stood about seven feet tall and was almost blinding and stood like a man would. The man spoke with disdain.

"I thought this was you. This another one of your creations?" He said gesturing to the creature. After about thirty agonizing seconds, the light made a chuckling sound. It seemed to be shaking what would have been it's head. Then it spoke, it's voice wasn't just a voice, it sounded like a large group of people speaking all in unison.

"I have come to make an offer." The man hugged himself and glared at the light.

"What could you have to offer me? I want nothing to do with you." The light once again made that chuckling sound.

"Ohhh we both know that's not true. You'll take whatever you can get from anyone." The man looked at the ground ashamed knowing what the light had said was true.

"What do you want?" He said, hugging himself tighter and not looking up.

"That's more like it. Now, what I want, no, what I need is for you to bring me someone. Someone very special and possibly your key to happiness." The man looked up at the light.

"You're lying. You have to be lying. I- I can't..." He trailed off.

"Be happy?" The man had tears rolling down his cheeks and looking at the ground. His voice was just a whisper.

"Yes." He looked to the light. "Yes, I can never be happy." The light seemed to grow brighter.

"Oh but yes you can my broken child, yes you can." The man began to shake as more tears came. "You can have undying happiness and be loved and never be ignored again." He kept shaking and crying but he managed to say.

"You have to be lying. Nothing can do what you're saying." He gripped his sleeves tightly.

"Oh but their is something now. Something new that can do everything I'm saying. Look at what they've already done for you." The light was gesturing to the creature. The man was looking at the creature then to the light.

"What do you mean? How is this for me?" Once again, that vile chuckle came out of the light.

"You, my special little misfit, are the only Aspect that these creatures will not attack. Imagine that, out of all you Aspects, you're the special one." The man seemed to actually be believing what the light was saying. He wanted to believe. "And it was they who created these monsters. They will be the one to choose what happens to this heart and they can make it to where you are happy. They have that power." It stopped for a moment. "With my help." The man let out a shaking breath.

"Of course you have to help." He said with disdain.

"Well they are not strong enough by themselves, they will need my help to unleash their true power. And I would love to go get them myself but I can't leave The Spire. You know I can't. And you are the only one powerful enough and the only one I trust enough to do this. Please, we both can have reign over this place. We can be loved." The man let out another shaking breath and hugged himself even tighter.

"Who is it?" The light didn't have any features, but he could tell it was smiling a sinister grin.

"They're new. I think they go by May." He raised his eyebrows.

"New? Is that possible?"

"Apparently. They're traveling with Blue and Anazra." The man gave a sad laugh.

"Of course they are. So this won't be easy." The creature moved closer to his leg and rubbed against it.

"Not at all. She is strong. But you have some extra help now." The man looked down to the creature. " You're not alone anymore. Their are hundreds of these creatures, all willing to do whatever you say." He petted the creature gently. "That should give you the upper hand."

"Why? Why me?" The light was silent for a moment.

"I may have an idea, but I'll only tell you this when you bring this new Aspect to me." The man moved one hand to the back of his neck and hugged himself with the other arm.

"Alright, well how dangerous are they? And what kind of Aspect are they?"

"As of right now, they are not dangerous, they can go invisible but even then your creatures will smell them. And I'll tell you what Aspect they are when delivered to my doorstep." The man gripped his hair in the back of his head. "We must hurry, my time grows short." The man took a long breath in and let it out a moment later, shaking.

"Alright, then where are they going? You said they were traveling."

"Yes, they are going to see mysticism, you can cut them off before they make it. Also your creatures will just wander the heart when you have no use of them. That will slow them down a bit more." The light started to get dimmer and slowly got smaller. "Don't fail me Medusa, the fate of both of us and the entire heart rest's in your shaking hands. Don't fail me." And with that the rest of the light faded away and left him alone once again.

Medusa looked down to the creature and it looked back to him. He shrank to his knees and hugged the creature tight. He soon felt the creature start to squirm and finally the bones start to break. He hated it, and himself for doing this, but he just needed it to be closer. He soon felt the spine snap under his hand and the head fall back. The he wispered so quietly that he couldn't hear himself.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I just couldn't let go." Tears started pouring down his face. "Please, I'm sorry." He gave the creature a slight shake and felt it start to turn to dust in his arms. He held the creature as it faded to nothing and finally got up when their was nothing left but ashes.

The man the started walking forward, he didn't need to sleep or eat anything, so he never had to stop or rest. He knew within a week, he would be at the forest, and in another week, he would be face to face with Anazra. He wondered if she would be happy to see him. But he knew she wouldn't be. No one would be.


I dedicate this to humanbeing27 because they deserve it.

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