In the halls of music

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     Anazra had traveled almost without rest, only breaking every couple of hours for a short rest. The traveling itself became easier as well, because the forest soon began to become a clearing, and then beautiful rolling hills. The grass was a nice deep green and very tall. She always liked this part of the heart, it was calming to her, but she never really got the chance to to visit that much. She didn't like leaving the forest unguarded, even leaving Blue there worried her. She knew he was next to nothing in a fight.

     She actually slowed her pace quite a bit when she got into the plains. She wanted to savor every moment here. In some respects, this place was calmer than the forest, the sky sometimes let the sun through and that made flowers bloom and the air smell like honey and lilacs. The best part of this, wasn't even the rolling hills or the wonderfully smelling air, it was the music. The hills seemed to sing, it was soft and gentle. Their were no words to describe, just vocalizing of the most beautiful voice you've ever heard. And it wasn't too loud to disturb you, it was just enough to make you feel like you had an angle watching over.

     As she made her way she made sure not to take anything for granted, because she didn't know what was going to happen, she really had no idea. She just knew she would be brave for them, even though she was petrified she wouldn't let it show. She had to be strong. For the rest of them.

     She soon came upon what she was searching for, and the source of the music. It was a giant, Victorian style mansion, but it was painted all black and falling apart in many sections. Much like Count Olaf's home from "A series of unfortunate events." It was strange to see such a gloomy and dark thing in such a fairy tale like setting.

    She approched the home with truly no fear, she and it's owner were good friends, and she knew that the house was just a scare tactic. But so did everyone else, so it was kind of pointless, the man inside however, was a force to be reckoned with. Much stronger than Blue and could actually guard the forest. She walked up the stone steps that were covered in dead leaves (though there are no trees around) and the chipped black paint. She soon reached the giant single door that had been painted black, but points of red still were visible to the chipped paint. The owner thought he was clever because he did that, when in truth it was the only "Rolling Stones" he knew.

     She didn't bother to knock, she just walked right in. When she entered the home, everytime it suprized her how different the inside is compared to the outside. The first room that is right behind the door, is a nice entrance to the rest of the home. The floor is tiled with a black and silver marble, it's bit dusty but no one cared. The place has a similar soft glow that was in her home, but it a bit brighter. She soon entered what would have been the living room, it was a very large room with high ceilings. The floor in here was hard wood, once painted black but now a faded grey color. Their were four large black leather couches in an U around a television that was currently off. In the corner, laid a myriad of instruments, ranging from guitars to a couple violins and a chello. She knew that to the left, she would find the kitchen, and the one she was looking for. She could hear him singing, it was beautiful. He was the only aspect out of all of them that could sing. And on top of that, he could mimick anyone's voice. It only added to his singing ability.

     Most of the time he was in the kitchen making something that always smelled divine, but this time it was different, and it sounded like someone was singing (or trying to) with him. This didn't really suprize Anazra, this was the guy that everyone likes. The one who's friends with everyone and is just fun to be around.

     As she started walking to the kitchen, he walked through the large entry way slightly dancing. Just in the hips. He locked eyes with Anazra and did his special smile that was close to Blue's, just a bit more mischievous. He probably resembled the owner the most out of everyone. He too stood just about six foot, and had the same slender form. Their hair was the exact same, it hung down to the middle of his back and was very wavey and curly at the ends. Even their eyes change the same, now they looked like moonlight shining through ice. Almost every Aspect, including Anazra, had his high cheek bones but, they looked best on him. He was wearing a Metallica, Master of puppets shirt and dark denim jeans that could be called skinny jeans on him. Most of the time, he wore black convers, but now he just had on one black sock and one white.

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