No longer home

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As their deal had stated, they left right as the sun rose. Anazra didn't even really have that much of a good time. Any other time she would have, they made good food and told stories, but the entire time Anazra just worried about Blue and May and if anyone else would come looking for what had fallen.

They were walking a sort of road, it was just the way that each Aspect traveled when coming through. The sky was cloudy but some of the sun made it through at some points and more and more trees started popping up. She was walking faster than the two because she was anxious to get home. When then were close, Grey ran up to Anazra, Blix stayed a few paces behind.

Grey was wearing the same shirt and pants, but now he had a black button up shirt on, not buttoned and the sleeves pushed up slightly just reveling his tattoo of a musical symbol.

"Hey. You have hardly said a word all morning. You didn't even eat breakfast." She just glanced to him. Not slowing her pace at all.

"I'm just worried. I don't know anything right now, I don't know who or what May is. I don't know what is going to happen. And I really don't know why I left the forest to Blue of all people." She had stopped and turned to him.

Grey looked at her with care in his eyes.

"Az, listen. It's going to be alright, we'll find out who the new guy is and make sure nothing will happen." She looked to him with disbelief.

"And what of the ghosts? And the heart being in danger? What about all of that?" Grey raised an eyebrow at seeing his friend who was always calm so frantic.

"Then we'll stop that too. Listen priy , we don't even know if that whole thing is real or not, the Daydreamer could have been thinking of it. It could actually be nothing. So just cheer up for a minute. Okay?" She started walking again and nodded in agreement. She had glanced back and seen that Blix had stopped and given them some space. He was now catching up.

They continued on with little talking until they had almost made it back to Anazra's. Grey had been holding Blix's hand most of the way but had been next to Anazra for almost ten minutes, thinking of something to ask.

"So do you think going to him will really help? Last time you crossed paths, I swear you almost crushed his head under those boots you wear." He partly smiled at the memory.

Anazra sighed at the thought of going to him for help.

"Yeah, I guess. Blue says that he has the answer and I need to know how and why the heart is in danger. It's the only way."

Grey gave her a considerate look and sighed as well.

"I'm sorry then. I know you don't care much for the guy." She just scoffed and said.

"Yeah. No kidding." It was at this when She heard Blix coming up behind them quickly. He jumped on to Grey's back and wrapped his arms around his neck and legs around his waist. Grey stumbled forward but cought himself and Anazra could see he had the largest grin on his face. Blix was giggling and kissed the top of his head.

"Hey, baby guess what?" Blix laughed into his ear. Blix had changed his clothes, he had on now a different pair of black jeans and a 'Supernatural' t-shirt that was covered by his Star Wars jacket and had a TARDIS backpack that held the twos things.

Grey turned his head to look at the man- child on his back.

"I don't know. What?" He said still with his large grin.

"I'm tiiiiiiired. I don't wanna walk anymore." Grey playfully rolled his eyes.

"Guess I'll just have to carry you then won't I?" Blix gave a triumphant look.

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