Chapter 3 - Not what we expected

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Tuesday morning – The Great Hall

Albus Potter was confused, and excited, but mostly confused. The shopping list had been released the previous night and after seeing the second item on the list, he had thought it was a joke. It must be some sort of mistake; because there was no way in hell Scorpius Malfoy was on the bloody list. There just had to be some mistake. Naturally, the other items off the list were ingenious. The spoons would definitely have the house elves in a frazzle and the unicorn would take some serious planning to catch... but sweet Merlin... Scorpius – fucking – Malfoy!

He was excited no doubt that there was now a way for his best friend to finally join The Hunt. But who had thought it a brilliant idea to put him on the damned list!

Albus sat at the Slytherin table, coffee in hand waiting for Scorpius when Louis tumbled into the seat beside him.

"It's legit mate," Louis mumbled. "He's really on The List." Albus and Louis had thought it a good idea to verify the truth of the list before they chanced making fools of themselves by hunting invalid items. Apparently, Louis was able to get the answers they needed rather quickly. The Hogwarts grapevine was useful like that.

"Bloody hell," Albus whispered. They couldn't risk being overheard. "Now what are we supposed to do? Half of Hogwarts will be looking for the chance to 'Hunt' Scorpius Malfoy... Oh, the women will go mad!"

"I think they already have," Louis commented looking around the Slytherin table to see various groups of girls gathered together and whispering hastily between themselves. Though what was alarming about this was that when Albus looked up at the other three houses, he saw the same thing.

Fuck, this was going to be chaos, he thought, though that made him smile in delight nonetheless. His smile grew to something wickedly gleeful when he imagined the look on Scor's face when the blonde found out about all this...

The whispering around them seemed to come to halt as everyone looked up to see two distinctly blonde boys walking into the Great Hall. It only took the occupants of the Hall a couple of seconds to realise that it was the wrong Malfoys before turning back to their scheming. Demitri and Caius joined Louis and Albus at the far end of the table.

"What's going on?" Did we miss something?" Demitri asked helping himself to some toast and coffee. There was a slight nervousness in his voice but Albus didn't pay it much attention.

"The List," Albus answered giving them an amused look.

"Oh," Demitri said before a smile grew on his face. Yes, he had imagined the school might react like this in some way.

Demitri had been momentarily worried that Albus might have found out about him kissing Lily under the stars last night. He pushed Lily and her tempting lips to the back of his mind for the moment and focused on what was unfolding before him.

"Do you think he knows?" Louis asked.

"Unlikely," Caius replied. "But I imagine he's about to find out," he said gesturing to the figure of his brother entering the Great Hall. The boys all shared a knowing smirk and watched as the chaos unfolded.


Scorpius Malfoy was about to head down to breakfast when he saw Rose Weasley waiting for him at the bottom of their stairs in the Heads' common room.

"Red," he greeted with a soft smile.

"Thank you for last night," she said softly handing him back his sweater. "I'm sorry that you got dragged into my problems... again."

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