Bathroom Break

203 17 33

Sexual content

When Lotor Left class, Keith was both relieved and nervous. Did Lance really run the perverse boy off that easily? Lance smiled proudly as if he won a gold medal as Lotor closed the door behind him. The teacher continued the lecture and the two happily took notes, hands intertwined.

Lotor had apparently gone home so that was a relief. The rest of the day was uneventful, much to Keith's relief. Hunk and Pidge were going on a date night so Lance and Keith headed to the dorms. The drive was quite at first, but Keith had been thinking...


"Yes my little flower~?"

Keith rolled his eyes.
"How come you're taking english now? I dont think English is going to help you very much in Marine Life Rescue."

Lance smiled slyly.
"I'm taking Marine life as a night class so I can take English as a class too!"

Keith stayed quiet a moment thinking.
"Don't night classes start right after class?"

"I can't start today anyway. I have to start tomorrow."

Keith nodded as Lance pulled into the parking lot for the dormitory. The two went inside and Lance flopped on the couch while Keith went to the kitchen, grabbing a few oreos and sitting on the couch next to Lance. Lance leaned over to try to steal one only for Keith to shove the whole thing in his mouth.


"Get your own."

Keith smirked as Lance pouted, crossing his arms like a toddler. That night Keith drifted off to sleep peacefully instead of due to a harsh day. But lance couldn't sleep. He stared at the ceiling, wondering how his family was doing. Hoping everyone was proud of him. He finally fell asleep in the early morning.

Keith woke up and looked at the clock. It didn't take him long to realize-


As he falls off the couch Lance wakes up and almost started laughing. Keith glared at him and pointed to the clock.


Keith gave Lance the "no shit sherlock" face before running and brushing his teeth. He fell asleep in his clothes from yesterday so he dusted them off and was out the door. Lance tailed behind him a few minutes later and the two headed towards the class. They made it only a few minute late but out of breath. The car was on the other side of the dorm and Keith had already started running. Keith hesitantly took his seat beside Lotor and the blonde smirked. The teacher called Lance as he went to sit down.

"McClain. Take the seat behind you. This is a parter assignment not a group."

Lance stared a moment before slowly moving to sit beside a girl with blond hair and honey tanned skin. Her binder hand the name Nyma in pretty cursive letters. Lance glared at Lotor as he tried to keep his eyes on his flower.

About half way into class, he sees Keith Jump a bit. His breath is heavy. Looking down, Lance sees Lotor had moved right next to Keith and slipped his hand in his pants. Lance felt a pang go through his body as he wanted to punch the blonde haired pervert right then. But he knew that was a bad idea so he "accidentally" threw his pencil at his head. Earning a glare from the taller boy. Lance smirked a bit at Lotor's aggravation. Lotor had taken this as a challange. He ran a finger from the base to the tip of Keith's member, earning a quiet choked moan. Luckily it went unnoticed. Keith panted a bit as he gripped the table, trying to move away only for Lotor to move closer. Lance was boiling. He stood up abruptly, earning everyone's attention. Including his teary-eyed boyfriend.

"Sorry I have to go to the bathroom. I'm taking Keith with me."

Before anyone could respond Lance ran over and pulled Keith from the classroom, taking off to the bathroom. Keith cried a bit as he sat on the floor.

"Keith are you okay...?"


Keith rubbed his legs together and Lance realized what he ment. As he heard students nearing the bathroom, he swooped Keith up and shut the door to the stall. He sat on the toilet and held keith in his lap as a few guys sat around outside the stalls talking. Lance cursed and tried to wait. Keith sat facing Lance, sitting on one leg as Lance used the other to hold the door shut. As Keith strattled Lance's leg, he felt unwanted pressure in his lower regions. Lance shifted a bit, pushing his leg up into Keith accidentally. Keith rested his head on Lance's shoulder as he bites back a moan, making a small squeek. Lance glances at him, his eyes widening just a bit. Keith grips the front of Lance's shirt and moves himself a bit on Lance's leg. Lance's face heated up a bit as he held the door shut with his other leg. He began to bounce his leg a bit as Keith grinded himself on his boyfriends leg. He accidentally let a small moan out, just loud enough to be heard. The guys outside seemed to freeze and leave. Keith pants as he wraps his arms around Lance's neck, trying to creat more friction and he moves his hips. Lance gently kisses Keith's soft neck, sending shivers up the shorter boy's spine. Keith whines a bit as pants, his hot breath making Lance's neck tingle and his hairs stand up. Lance suddenly stands up and presses Keith gently to the door, crashing their lips together. Keith happily returns it as Lance wedges his knee between Keith's thighs, making Keith's head move back a bit. Lance moves down and gently sucks on Keith's neck, coming off with a small smack. A purple hickey stood out on Keith's pale skin. After a few more minutes, Lance felt Keith's pants dampen as he whispers his name.


Lance helped Keith clean up a bit, ignoring his own erection. Keith used his jacket as a cover up again and Lance gave him his own for comfort. They walked into the classroom, only an annoyed look from the professor and Lotor stood out. Keith and Lance took their seats. Lotor glared a bit at the Cuban boy and then looked back at Keith, noticing a purple mark on his neck. Lotor was livid. And Lance was Loving it.

-Hi! Guys I'm coming back! I hope you all like this new chapter! I've given Bad habits to someone else so I no longer own it but I do plan to finish this book! Idk how many chapters but lets see how many reads we can get? If you have any book suggestions please comment!

Lance: Bet you guys missed me~

And he's back -_-

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