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They said its fine to be different, that you shouldn't be afraid to stand out, that being different is no crime, nothing to be ashamed of. Rather it's something to celebrate, something to be proud of, something that makes you real and unique and maybe extraordinary. But what about them. The one who always fits in, the one who is always in the eyes of others a common figure, the one who is not so talented and not so passionate about anything, the one who is only a mother or a son, the one who does his job only to come home to the comfort of his bed and family, the one who loves her family and made them her life and dream, the one who exchanged big dreams for a small one, the one who does things in a routine, the one whose life is not so changing, the one who is never on stage, the one whose voice is heard only within their home, the one whose life is known by only a few, the one whose existence which always goes unnoticed by this world. What about them? Shouldn't we be telling them its fine to be just, just ordinary. That you don't have to become outstanding for others, that you don't need to become a genius or prodigy for others, when the world is too focused on the extraordinary? Shouldn't we be telling them, "You don't have to become famous or different to prove your life, that you can stay ordinary and do great things"? Because trying to stand apart can be just as much tiring as trying to fit in. When all we are always told are the extraordinary life of the society's most successful people, I can't stop to wonder, aren't they telling us to become someone like them?

I know being a genius or talent by birth is a virtue some get and I know they didn't make it easy to reach where they are, that they've worked hard. I know some of them learned to be that extraordinary with all their effort and time. I know it's hard for many out there, the ones who are blamed for being different, the ones who are made to feel ashamed for being themselves, when they have never did anyone wrong. I know it's hard, that it's a fight, I know. But sometimes being ordinary is just the same, something that makes you feel so little, unimportant and sometimes not worthy in others eyes. Something that tells you that you can never be the one who they are going to look up to or ever dream to become, that makes you feel that maybe your life didn't have a purpose to begin with.  Something that drains you of your life and something that makes your routines suffocatingly boring and hard.

When your dream is not to be the "extraordinary" for others, why does it take away with it your liberty to feel important and unique? Why does it feel like you can't feel extraordinary without being one? If you have a warm home to come back to or a place where you want to go, when you are so loved by your people or when you have someone dear to love. With the occasional visit to a new place, or an adventure you might take, or the weekend fun you have, isn't an ordinary life much better than the hassles of an extraordinary life. Maybe being ordinary won't feel so bad when someone tells you this, because sometimes we all need to hear the words we told ourselves from others to believe in them. We need that assurance when we are broken by our world's unrealistic standards. Then maybe the glamour's of an extraordinary life which hides away the beauty of an ordinary life won't deceive you to think that being extraordinary in the eyes of others is the greatest achievement you will ever have. Maybe you will realise that some of the extraordinary people might only wish to be ordinary.

This world is filled with a lot of magic and beauty crafted by men and nature. As long as we can feel that touch of magic in this world. When being happy and content become the most admirable magic in our lives. When we can know that the most extraordinary people were loved and guided by the most ordinary ones. Then, maybe we won't feel the need to be different from others, then maybe we won't be too scared to be ordinary. We might realise that we are all living in a world that's beyond ordinary yet so common to each one of us. Then leading an ordinary life might as well be thrilling as an extraordinary one  and then, maybe the difference of that "extra" might not stand out too much, since we all will be having some extra ordinary with us.

Make the ordinary come alive for
The extraordinary will take care of itself
- William Martin

A poem that stayed with me, and might stay with me for a very long time
Thank you!

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