i DoNt SpEaK sUrReNdEr

19 2 3

Honhonhon out oui oui baguette je suis so fatiguée maintenant et je veux dormIR, cependant je dois fair les chapitres pour mon livre.

Apparently French is one of the most aesthetic-looking languages. Like each word, the quality of it and the grammar is okay to look at i guess. Which is why the English Language has adopted words from French because w'all aren't vocabularily talented.

Cul-de-sac Dead End
Boulangerie Bakert
Pâtisserie Pancake shop
Double Entendre A phrase I mentioned before
Risqué Risky
Baguette Baguette
Rouge Red

Well, I don't know what else i can think of hehe. But eh, it can be manageable.

Grammar is tricky, but is moderate.

Bonsoir. Je m'appelle Jeanne. J'ai seize ans et maintenant, il est minuit. C'est si tard pour moi mais j'aime rester forte.

Did you also know that French people speak REALLY fast. Even I cannot comprehend what they say

It takes a lot of time to perfect the listening skills for French. English is one of those kind of languages that you can understand and pick up words no matter what speed because it's usually a slow paced language. I guess I say that because I'm practically used to speaking and hearing it all the time, strengthening my English communication skills.

I know some people learn Spanish. Is it a slow paced language aswell like English?

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