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As we were about to play Truth or Dare. I noticed something. "Guys..." I said while everyone stared. "Who is going to start?" You could the confusion and embarrassment in everyone's faces. It was funny for about the first 10 seconds. But then I went back to normal. My lifeless, depressed self.

"I'll go!" Tina shouted excitedly. Nobody really trusted Tina. But we were bored and we wanted something interesting to happen. So I'll let her do it.

"You do that Tina." Said Dave. Oh, I forgot he was even here. But okay.

"Good." Tina responded. "Tony." Tony looked kind of confused  'Cute' I muttered.

"What?" Kat sounded just as confused as Tony looked.
"N-nothing really.... Heh..." Oh man... Kat almost found out I liked her boyfriend! Crap!

"Well, Tony! Truth or Dare?" Tina pretended she didn't hear me.

"Dare! I'm not a wuss!" Tony seems pretty confident. That confidence looks good on him. But he should be worried. It's Tina we're talking about.

"Okay. Go and stand on the couch and yell that one part from Rockfeller Street." That didn't seem as horrible Tina could've done.

"Got it." Tony stood up and went to the couch and started screaming and T-Posing."ONE TWO SEVEN THREE DOWN TO ROCKFELLER STREET LIFE IS MARCHING ON DO YOU FEEL THAT?!?!?" I'm suprised Tony did that and didn't get embarrassed. That's just another reason why I like him.

"I wanna go!" Cookie shouted. "I have an idea."

"Okay. Knock yourself out Cookie." Lizzy responded to Cookie.

"Ryan, Truth or Dare bro?"

"Again, Dare." I'll probably regret this, won't I? We all know how Cookie is. It's a little scary honestly.

"I dare you to cuddle Tony for two more truths or dares!" Oh no... I mean... I know I want this, but I know Kat, Tina, and probably Tony is too. But I'll do it so I can be happier myself.

"Why Cookie???" Yeah, Tony isn't happy about this at all. I 100% think Tony doesn't even care about me. But he said he wasn't a wuss. So I know he'll do it.

"...Fine..." Tony said, really sadly. I don't want him to be sad... He is more important than me. He shouldn't be upset at all.

"Aww.... It's okay..." I said while looking at Tony. In my opinion it was easier to make him feel better because he had to be close to me.

"Lizzy, Truth or Dare?" I asked. I hope this isn't boring. Lizzy is just generally a boring person.

"Hmmmm... Truth!" Finally. Not another dare.

"Be honest. Are you a Tik Tok Thot?"

"Umm.... I don't want to say...." I'm guessing she is a Tik Tok Thot. No doubt about it.

"Danny!! Truth or Dare?" Oohhh... Danny! This should be interesting! "Just go change. But in only black clothes." Lizzy is still pretty boring. But not so bad I wanna die whenever she talks. Aww... But now I have to stop cuddling Tony... Let sad...

"Guys! I ordered pizza!" Yelled Tina.

"What kind of pizza?" Tony asked. I'm suprised he didn't know.

"Just classic Pepperoni!" Yes! A good kind of pizza!
I spent so much time on this.
More time than the other chapter!
Sorry if it's bad. Just because it's long, doesn't make it good.
Word count:556

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