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Tony can't be okay... It's impossible to believe but he'll never tell me what's wrong. He can't even talk to me without yelling... I just want him to be my friend, what changed?
We used to all talk to each other, we were all best friends, even when I was insane, they were all there with me. But now... All any of us ever do is fight and argue.

Why can't we just go back to the old days? A bit of fighting, but mostly just caring for each other. What happened to everyone? When we got to to middle school, we all left our friend groups and made seperate ones. But why?


Ugh! Why does Ryan keep trying to be my friend?! Why can't that asshole take a hint and stop talking to me!

Seeing as I was in a stall in the empty bathroom, I grabbed my razorblade and rolled up my sleeve.
Just do it! Ha! They wouldn't miss you!

That was voice kept ringing through my ears, I know it's all in my head... But I could still hear him.
It was like Satan was whispering in my ears, which it probably was.
But I held myself back, and I didn't cut. It shocked me that I had the will to not listen to the voice.

W-W-Wha?! How dare you not listen to me!
... I-I... I can do what I want...! You can't control me anymore...!
No! Y-You can't do that!
Well I did... I don't care what you said!
I just wrote this short, shitty chapter to make some people happy.

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