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"R-Ryan? T-Tina?" I somehow managed to stutter out.

"T-Tony?! Hey...!" Tina said nervously.

"No! I don't want to talk to you, or Ryan!" I yelled at her, while Ryan just stood there watching. I started silent crying write, so I ran upstairs.

You're an idiot, Tony.
You should've never thought you had a chance with him.
If you fight with me, I'll make your life a living hell. Now just do what I say.
Fine... What do you want me to do?
You have a razor blade in your bathroom, right?
Yes, but why?!
Just. Grab. It.

Did you get it?
Now, put it up to your arm and just cut away. It will make you feel better about that dumb brunette you like.
Again, I just wanted to write.

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