First Encounter

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(A/N: I guess I should add a small description of this chap here – Lan Qiren reminisces the past as he watched the WangXian, as well as LXC and JC. The XiCheng still is in the casual relationship. This happened sometime after the WangXian’s wedding.)

Gusu – Cloud Recesses (Present)

Lan Qiren’s brows spasm-ed when he saw Wei Wuxian jumped on Lan Wangji, laughing loudly. How many times must I say noise is prohibited on the Cloud Recesses? He thought, a vein popping on his forehead. He looked away from the sight and saw his other nephew Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng talking seriously few meters away from their brothers that’re now an official couple. He smiled, nodding, as he walks away satisfied. His other nephew is still proper and dignified, and the other sect leader Jiang Cheng is also proper. Lan Xichen should befriend Jiang Cheng – the likes of the GusuLan Sects friend should be.

He stopped when he passed by the entrance of the Cloud Recesses, a memory flashed in his mind. He looked around and for some reason, suddenly, everything reminded him of his younger days in the sect.

Years ago…

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” a loud voice of a woman rang in the entrance of the Cloud Recesses. “So this is the so-called haven of the refined jade-like gentlemen!” she said and grinned widely.

“Sanren…” a young man with a gentle face that showed kindness and as if he can never get angry said and sighed, a palm on his forehead.

The two of them went inside, still chatting and the woman’s loud voice caught the attention of the disciples from the other sect, drawing their attention to them.

“Oh! Isn’t that Jiang-shixiong?!” some of them exclaimed when they saw the iconic purple uniform.

Jiang Fengmian forced a smile and greeted them back, never intending to draw the attention of the others. He turned to the cause and saw Cangse Sanren smiling from ear to ear. He then just smiled as he accompanied her, walking towards the Orchid room of the Cloud Recesses where the classes will be happening.

They are strangers, and the first time he met her was earlier when they passed by each other as they walked towards the entrance of the Cloud Recesses. He doesn’t know why, but sensing her carefree and mischievous attitude screaming on her face, he got easy along with her. They talked for a few minutes and decided to go together to enter the Cloud Recesses.  

Unlike him who’s a young master of a prominent clan, Cangse Sanren is a pupil of Baoshan Sanren – a famous rogue cultivator. Her teacher told her to study in the GusuLan sect since her teacher will be meditating. Got nothing to do, Cangse Sanren did as what her teacher had told her.

“Right.” Cangse Sanren said. “You’re also a handsome gentleman. You’re fit to be in here.” She told him and grinned.

Jiang Fengmian’s face flushed and he looked away. “I-I’m not… I’m not – “ he said and pressed his lips tight to prevent himself from smiling.

“Hm?” he heard Cangse Sanren said and she stopped.

Jiang Fengmian also stopped and turned to look at her. But, she’s looking at something – precisely with someone. He also turned and saw a youth the same age as him and is clad in white. He’s glaring at them – precisely at Cangse Sanren.

“Noise is prohibited in the Cloud Recesses.” The youth wearing the GusuLan Sect’s uniform sternly said, his eyes sharp.

The others stared at them. Their eyes wide as they looked at the youth clad in white. His uniform is as white as snow, and no wrinkles on the surface. The long strip of the forehead ribbon as white as his uniform is fluttering, making the drifting clouds pattern sewn on it look like moving.

“Also – “ the youth said. “ – female cultivators aren’t allowed in this area – not even once.” He added as he glared at Cangse Sanren.

Her brows only raised but her expression became serious. Seeing the surrounding froze by the other youth’s words, Jiang Fengmian intervened. “Err… young master Lan. We – “ he said and glanced at Cangse Sanren who’s still staring eye to eye with the Lan disciple. “Sanren…” he called.

Cangse Sanren ignored him, still staring at the Lan disciple. He has a pretty and delicate face, but has that air of handsomeness. His chin is high, giving him a prideful look. One may find him arrogant because of this, and would think he’s looking down on them. But… he thought when he saw the hand of the youth on the hilt of his sword. Also, his thin red lips are slightly quivering.

Is he…? He thought and looked around when he saw the disciples from other sects are pointing and looking at the lone disciple of the GusuLan Sect, whispering.

“Eh…? We’re still new and he’s already picking on us.”

“We’re from other sect. Who would expect for us to know their clan’s rules?”

The Lan disciple’s eyes narrowed, but momentarily shone. He pressed his lips tight and his hand on the hilt of his sword tightened to the point his knuckles cracked. “You…” he said, his voice quivering and he glared at the other disciples. “No chatting in the Cloud Recesses!” he hissed, gritting his teeth. They all gasped and immediately ran, which made the Lan disciple angrier. “No running!” he said.

Jiang Fengmian thought things got out of hand, so he immediately said. “Young master Lan.” He called and respectfully bowed. “We deeply apologize if our actions wronged you clan’s rules.” He said and stood straight up. “Please punish us as you see fit.” He told him.

“Jiang-xiong!” the other disciples hiding cried, then immediately shrank back to their hiding when the Lan disciple glared at them.

Jiang Fengmian ignored them and turned to Cangse Sanren. But, before he could call her a voice suddenly said.

“No need for punishment.” The newcomer said. “We were also in the wrong. Qiren – “ he called and turned to the glaring Lan disciple. “Young master Jiang apologized on their behalf. You apologize to them, too.” He told him, his voice strict but gentleness is in it. He turned to Cangse Sanren. “Young maiden. Our shifu already heard a word from your shifu. Please follow our shijie.” He said and motioned the female GusuLan sect disciple who also arrived without them noticing.

Cangse Sanren nodded and bowed, then followed the beautiful female disciple and they left.

“Is that…” the disciples who are still hiding said, staring at the young man standing beside the glaring disciple.

“Qingheng-jun!” they exclaimed, surprised. 
The young man is a famed cultivator at his young age. “Then, the one next to him is – “ they said and looked at the glaring disciple, their eyebrows knit. “Lan Qiren?!” they said, then frowned. “He’s not as nice as his name!” they added.

Lan Qiren’s eyes narrowed and he gritted his teeth as he glared at them, then to Jiang Fengmian.

“Didi.” Qingheng-jun called. “Your apology?” he asked. “Your class will be starting soon.” He reminded him.

Lan Qiren’s lips pursed as if he’s going to eat his words rather than say them to Jiang Fengmian’s face. “I… apologize.” He said and immediately turned his back to them.

Silence fell as they watched him leave. 

(A/N: aia… I hope this would turn out fine. I’m having fun writing FengQi 😁😁)

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