That Makes Calamity of So Long Life

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Jo woke on the morning of his 23 birthday to the sound of yelling. 

It took him a moment to realize the string of curses weren't directed at him. Barely 6 AM and the couple in the next apartment over were already going at it. He groaned and debated sleeping in, finally deciding to get a jump on the day instead.

The morning went smoothly. The boys were obedient and kept their bickering to a minimum. No one commented on his missing breakfast, and everyone seemed in a decently cheerful mood. A full 15 minutes ahead of schedule, they were ready to walk out the door, when Jaime whispered in Jo's ear.

"Happy birthday, Jo."

Jo stiffened and straightened up, eyes glazing over. His breathing began to quicken and though he fought it, the flashback hit him with the force of an interstate semi.

"Happy birthday, Jo," his father whispered in his ear.

Jo stared at the colorfully wrapped box in front of him, praying it would disappear, that he would disappear. The world around him carried on as if nothing was happening. A 4-year-old Drew was playing on the floor with Sam, who was starting to attempt his first wobbly steps. Newborn Jaime was asleep in the boys' room. But Jo sat stock still at the kitchen table, trying to remember to breathe.

"Open it, boy!" his father shouted, making Jo flinch in his chair. "You only turn 14 once. It's time for a grown up gift."

Jo took hold of the box and tentatively removed the paper, half expecting the box to explode in his hands. Lifting the lid, his breath caught and he froze.

His father's low chuckle echoed in his ears as the coiled, snake-like rawhide stared back at him.

"It's called a bull whip. I looked at horse whips and riding crops, but this one seemed to do the most damage." 

He smiled with the warmth of an eel. 

"Boy, you and me are gonna have lots of fun with this. In fact, why don't we go give it a try right now, huh?"

His father pushed back from his chair and reached for the box, but Jo was on his feet just as fast. The two stared at each other for a second.

"Not in front of them," came Jo's quivering voice.

"That's not part of our deal."


His father's face took on a scowl, then split into a bright smile.

"Well, since it's your birthday..."

It was all Jo needed. He hurried to his brothers, scooping the two of them up and depositing them in their room, next to the sleeping baby. Confused eyes gazed up at him. 

Pushing down the knot in his gut, he stroked their smooth cheeks.

"I need you two to stay here for me, okay?"

"But why..." Drew began to whine.

"Buddy, this is important. I need to you do what I say. Pretend it's a game, okay? First one to come out loses."

"Like when dad was angry and we haveded to play hide and seek?"

Jo forced a smile.

"Just like that, buddy. Be very quiet, and don't come out, no matter what you hear."

The walk back to his fate was a blur as his mind scrambled to seek refuge outside the subjugated confines of his body. Before the disassociation could complete, Drew's face shot through his brain, unbidden. Then Sam. Jaime. 

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