One | enO

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One | enO



My mother just starts laughing, but she doesnt stop. i love her for her stuborness. nobody else is like my mother, shes unique. she has her own taste in fashion, she dont give one ounce of a fuck what others think of her.

im about to pass out, laughing so hard my sides hurt. im squirming around like an animal trying to get free from its prey. my dad is just over there watching us, thanks dad for helping.

"dad! t-teelll mooom to stop," i can barely make out the words.

"okay okay im done" she surrenders laughing.

we unpack the food we brought in the picnick basket. yum these sandwiches look amazing. oh and my moms food is the best. I never get tired of it.

just wish she would teach me. maybe now i could cook for myself.

"hello there" we hear a voice behind us, we turn around and see a innocent young lady maybe around 18, twice my age.

"hi can we help you?" my father asks politely.

"no sir, i was just watching yall from afar, you guys are the most perfect family. i lost mine a year ago and i just loved watching you guys. not to be creeoy in anyway. may i take some pictures?" she asks. thats probably why she has a camera arond her neck.

"go ahead," my mother responds smiling. after she takes the photos she asks if we want them and my parents agree.they were really good photos. my dad started talking with her asking her about her camera and what shes doing. she even played ball with me, and i hadnt noticed my mother sitting alone all quiet. so i go and join my mother. As Alice, the girl, was about to leave, she goes up to y mother, leans in and whispers into her ear , just loud enough for me to hear,

"dont be afraid to speak up. its the only way to survive." and with that she leaves.


Why do I even try? I ask myself that every single time i do something: live. don't you ever feel like why do I even live? Or ever wondered who would be there for you if you were dead. "Today is a gift, thats why its called the present,' my mom always told me .Im currently in 10th grade and I'm not doing so well. It ALL started at a football game. it was like fate. love at first sight. Most of y'all may know what i mean.

"Fate can turn around a bite you real hard in the ass.' That's the advice my dad gave me after my mom died. yep. she's gone. My dad told me she was sick and couldn't make it to the hospital. I know its not true but i never brought it up because i could see how hurt my dad was. So now its me and my old man.

Anyway, there I was at the game with my best friend Adam sitting on one of the benches watching the game. My eye wonders off and landed on him and he was starring back for a reason I don't know.

My friends and random people at school say Adam and i would make a good couple. We never take it seriously, were just to close. He's always here for me. Always. And I will be here for him. See the thing is hes been acting weird lately, I don't know if its a guy thing or what. Every time he sees me talking to a guy and comes over and asks me to join him. I say sure but it bothers me. So as I'm walking over to this guy i can imagine Adams face turning and watching to see where I'm going.

I walk up to the stranger and I notice his nice body, his broad shoulders, his strong but nice hands that I would hold mine. His perfect lips that you could kiss all day. I lightly tap on his shoulder and he turns around smiling.

"Oh hey," he says to me. His voice can do so many things. Guys have no idea what they can do to us girls

"Hi." simple. but I struggle to get that one word out.

"Bored much?' he asks giving me this grin.

"Definitely." I stick out my hand, 'I'm Jamie nice to meet you."

"Um, Blake nice to meet you," he says shaking my hand. His smile, damn.

I look for Adam in the crown I got lost in. I find him and wave. Adam gets up and waves back. That's how we know we are okay.

"Wanna get out of here?' Blake asks me as i turn around.

"Sure why not." I have seen him around at school before. I don't even know the guy but my gut tell me to go, and I listen to my gut. As we walk out i ask him to tell me about himself so I could get to know him better. Hes not one of those bad boys that do drugs a shit. but hes not a stuck up either. That's cool.

"lets go grab lunch, cool?" He asks.

'I'd like that." Blake leads me over to his car. I was surprised to see it clean. Not alot of guys have it clean. Dudes with clean cars and smell good when you get close are sexy. Admit it girls. We get in and drive away. I turn the radio on to 102. 9, my favorite station. Yea its probebly rude but I dont care I need music.


"Everybody Talks, good choice," he says laughing. we're both sitting there singing along and dancing like idiots.

"Yeah Neon Trees is A M A Z I N G."

"Agreed," Blake says. I feel the connection between me and him while we were driving around. I feel something vibrate in my pocket and I jump in my seat.

"What, what is it?" Blake asks urgently. I let out a sigh of relif,

"Just my Phone." Adam texted me aasking where I was. I told him I was going out to grab a little snack and that i would be back in a couple hours. Be safe be texts back. I will. i lay back in my seat and look out the window. I guess Blake noiced cause he asked,

"Whats wrong? You look so glum all of a sudden."

"Its nothing," I tell Blake. reassuring myself that everythings going to be okay. i just feel like somethings wrong though. Maybe it was a bad idea to go out for lunch. We sit scilently the rest of the way.

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