chapter 12

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Kahlie's pov

I opened the door and walked out. I went to my uncle and he looked me in the eyes. "Kahlie we're having a meeting." He said and I followed him to the living room.

Everyone was already there and Misako was holding a piece of paper. I looked stood in the corner. "This prophecy tells of the elemental master of blood. Dark auras will surround the world, only the power of blood will stop it. The elemental master of blood is the second most poweful of them all. The wielder can kill Lloyd in one second flat. Only the element of balance can beat the wielder and the element can't be absorbed." She said and I knew why I was here.

I'm the elemental master of blood. I have to stop these auras. I'm the most powerfull being in this world. "We must find the elemental master of blood and fast." She told them and Kai looked confused.

"Okay but... What is she doing here?" He said, pointing to me. "Kahlie studies the elemental powers and knows everything there is to know about the element of blood. Her knowledge of the element is why she's here in this meeting." Misako said and they all looked at me.

"Plus, she's tougher than she looks." Uncle said which made them look at me suspiciously. I looked down and Misako sighed.

My pov(no pov)

"Also, the elemental master has a protecter. He is from a race called the elementals. They are beings made from the elemental energy of our elements. He is the prince of the elementals and was put with her because of his power." Misako said, causing Kahlie's eyes to widen and look down.

"The element of blood will also have four protecters. The elements of wind, time, illusions, and technology and animals." Misako said as she looked confused. "Why does it say four protecters, but five elements?" Cole asked and Wu sighed. "One of the elements on there can control the element of animals as well." Wu said and the four girl's eyes widened. "One of us can control two elements?!" Galaxia exclaimed and Wu nodded. "Wow.." Pheonix whispered and Crystal nodded. "The element of blood will also have two friends to help, one a normal person and the other a elemental master. The elemental master is the elememtal master of weapons. The element of weapons can teleport and make any weapon the wish." Misako said and the team was shocked at the element.

Kahlie was too shocked to listen anymore. Core's the prince, and he didn't even think about telling her! Soon the meeting was over and Kahlie went back to her room. She waited until everyone was in thier's to go in. She opened the door and saw Core under the bed. "How could you?!" She asked, mad and Core was confused. "W-what?"

He asked, no clue of what she meant by that. "You know what I mean..... How could you not tell me you were the prince?" She asked in a whisper, tears flowing freely down her face.

"Kahlie....... I'm sorry..... It never came up....." He said as he embraced her in a hug. She punched him in the chest and kept on repeating so. "I'm sorry.... I never meant to hurt you....." He said and she looked him in the eyes.

"You kept it from me..... Why?" She asked and he looked away. "To protect you..... The elemantals have many enemies. We never told anyone that way you would be safe. We knew they would come after you to get to us. I'm sorry." "Then why did they send you in the first place if they knew it would cause trouble?!" She asked him as she looked him in the eyes.

"I already told you....." He said and she shook her head, looking down. "You did but you didn't, you didn't say why they chose you if they knew it would cause trouble!" She said and he placed his hand on her chin, causing her to stop punching his chest.

"They did it because I was the most powerfull out of them all. They knew only I would have a chance at protecting you from your future." He said, looking her in her eyes. "From my future...?" She asked, almost hesaintly. "Yes, from the fate that lays within that prophecy..... There's more to it than any of you think. My people wrote it, after one of Phoenix's ancestors saw the future, saw your fate."

He told her and her eyes widened. "W-wh-wha-t?" She whispered, barely audible. "She saw what was going to happen and told her elemental, that way the elemental could tell the king of this. She saw you, the team and she saw me. She saw me as your elemental, we thought that if the elemental was changed, your fate would be different. But it didn't, you still got me as an elemental and that prophecy shows that your fate is near. I-I was afraid you would hate me if I told you....." He said, crying as he held Kahlie close to him.

"Core..... I already told you..... I could never hate you..... You're special to me. You always have been and always will be. It's okay, please just..... Stop crying, I hate seeing my loved ones cry." She told him as she put her lips on his, a sweet and loving kiss, not too long but not too short.

He stood and picked her up bridal style. He walked over to the bed and sat down. They broke apart fir air but reunited their lips together as fast as they parted. He had his arms wraped around her waist. After awhile they had to break apart for air. She put her head back on his chest and cuddled deeper into his it. Core kissed her head and she closed her eyes. After awhile he thought she had fallen asleep. He got up and placed her on her bed. He crouched down beside her and stroked her hair.

He got up and began to leave but felt someone grab his hand. He turned around to see her holding his hand and looking at him. "St-sta-y....." She said and he nodded, sitting down next to her. She grabbed him and pulled him down next to her. She cuddled up next to her and put her face in his chest. She also wrapped her legs around his legs and put her arms around his neck, making sure he wouldn't leave. He chuckled and put his arms around her waist. He put his head on her's and closed his eyes, falling asleep with his mast-no.

His love.

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