Chapter 1- Solving Problems

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Judging by the streak of orange into the horizon, there is no doubt that the sun will set anytime soon and darkness will envelope the city of people rushing through the streets to get to their respective home after long hours of doing something for a living and she -- Sakura was still staring blankly at the sky, sitting crossed-legs with her few things scattered carelessly around.

"Argh!" The girl with long pink hair growl and in the process she tugged her hair lightly with both hands, a habit of hers as she was getting frustrated with one of her subject.

"This Algebra Trigonometry is lovely" she murmured sarcastically,  though it was really hard for her, she started gathering her things  and put it inside her bag with unnecessary force, feeling defeated that she have to give up this time.

"Next time I will not talk to that stupid Sai." She said with determination as she straighten up and dusted off the grass and fallen cherry blossom petal from her clothes.

It is not normal when Sakura is having a hard time with her subjects, she is an achiever. After all, she graduated from high school with flying colors and everyone expects her to know everything...

But not this one.

She barely gets distracted during her class and when she did it was because of the dark haired art student who was sending notes back and forth to her, asking about her best friend Ino.

As a good friend, she wouldn’t let this opportunity pass for her best friend's happiness because little did he know, Ino told her that she has this crush on Sai. So, she also responded to Sai's question about Ino and before she knew it, her professor suddenly called her attention and asked her to solve the recent problem that two of her classmates failed to answer.

Fortunately for her the hour is over so she needs to give the answer on their next meeting. But the down side is, she realized that she did not even listen to the lesson today since the problems were new to her as she scan it over and over again.

Naaah! Forget it! We still have tomorrow to solve it. Her mind says and with a sigh she left her seat and make her way out of the university grounds.

Like her friend, Sai, she is also an art student- contrary to what everyone expected. She was supposed to take medicine since she greatly excels with her science-related subjects all the time. But when she met Sai that one fateful summer before entering college the wind suddenly shifted and as to what she have said before,

"Sai woke up my artistic side"

Her parents did not argue that much with her chosen field saying that,

"You already have given us something to be proud of at your young age with all the grades and achievements, it's time to get your reward by doing what you like."

Sakura already got a slot in the medical course, but it didn’t gave her a hard time. Her parents was able to talk to the university president, Tsunade Senju, about the changes and was able to squeeze her on the last few slots in art course as well. Nevertheless, she is now on her third year of her chosen major and she was loving it.

"Sakura-chaaan!" She heard over the bustling street of Konoha. A loud cheerful voice, that no doubt only belongs to her good friend.

She spotted a blonde and blue-eyed boy around her age waving his hands for her attention. When he saw her smile that was a sign for him to start running through the crowded street to reach her.

"Naruto! How are you?" She greeted while he is trying to get his breath. Naruto is a childhood friend of hers that is coincidentally attending the same university when his family decided to move from their former house.

"I'm fine, Sakura-chan. I rarely see you around the University." He pouted as both of them started walking again.

"Most of my subjects requires us to take ourselves in the fields and observe things in our own eyes." Sakura explained proudly.

It is one of the perks of her course anyway, art professors asking them to go to art exhibits every now and then, discussed their opinion in essay or inside the class the next meeting and making your own art. But, part of her course curriculum also requires the art major students to take one elective subject per semester-- and that explains the Algebra Trigonometry she have. Having nothing else to choose among the elective subjects that was provided, she decided to take it and Sai followed the suit.

Now, she is regretting it.

"I hope that Sai guy is not giving you trouble." Naruto said as they stopped in front of a ramen shop.

"Of course not!" She said defensively. She is no longer a child to look after whenever there is trouble, she believes that she can always handle it.

"Okay! If you say so." He said as he face her with a grin. "Since I can see that you are doing fine, let's eat ramen! My treat!"

"Of course, because I will never treat you. C'mon, I'm hungry." She was the one who open the door dragging Naruto with her. Sitting at the available table, they started catching up since the last time they saw each other.


Based on the cold air and chirping birds, in few moments people will start getting up from their beds and start the day however they want it to be -- but not Sasuke. He smiled at the simple scenery that brings peacefulness inside him as he rested his back to a tree.

Serene... as the raven haired boy would describe it, taking in what he could before students like him fill the University grounds and before the sun fully light up the world.

For him, going to a university like this that opens its gate as early as 5am is a good thing, he is a morning person who always want to jog around the city before sunrise and spend an hour or two under the cherry blossom tree he love since day one.

Setting aside his water tumbler he heard a sound as if it hit something hard. Curious to what it was he picked up small plywood set in white paint and surveyed what was scribbled with a careful eyes.


He snorted as he finished scanning the thing, Sasuke take out a pen from his tumbler holder. It was a habit of his to bring pen with him and a small piece of paper just in case it will come in handy. Just like this time.

With a few strokes and tap of the pen while thinking, he was done solving the problem of a stranger in no time.

Satisfied with the work he'd done, he raked his fingers through his hair giving him a look that girls will go head over head for over the years.

Without a word, he left after setting his tumbler holder around his waist and decided to go for a final round of jog going to his apartment for today.

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