Chapter 7- Limebars

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The moment his brother, Itachi entered their home for their matriarch’s birthday party, Sasuke knew something happened. It is very uncharacteristically for him to spend what- almost an hour?  Getting flowers at the Yamanaka Florist, he knew that the location was just a ten-minute drive from their house, plus probably five minutes of getting the gardenia arranged in bouquet- he traditionally gives to their mother.

Something is up. 

He looks at his unsuspecting brother greeting the other guest from the corner of their living room intently, moving his eyes to the bouquet he was holding and noted that the way it was arranged was not in Yamanaka style. 

He could have bought it somewhere else, which is why it probably took him some time. His suspicion was raised at its highest level when he recognized that it was not gardenias-their mother's favorite.

Where are his traditional gardenias ? But he got to admit that it was the most beautiful bouquet of flowers he had seen, as if it was carefully selected and arranged by heavenly hands that knows the works effortlessly. Something about it is very attractive to his eyes.

“Baby cousin!” It was his cousin's call that broke his gaze from his loving brother but he didn’t bother greeting him back and resume his activity of inspecting the suspicious movement of Itachi.

“What is the matter? Your eyebrows are so furrowed.” Shisui asked while shoving some food in his mouth.

“Nii-san just arrived.” Sasuke stated. “…and he is smiling.”

“Yeah… so?” Shisui shifted his gaze from the young to the older Uchiha.

“He is smiling too much.” He responded flatly.

Hearing his young cousin say those words made the older one search for the said brother and have his time to observe him as well, choking in the process that forced him to snatch Sasuke's glass still full of beverage.

“Ah—“Shisui gulped with clearer throat this time. “Yes! That is something!”

“An hour ago, he told me he will buy a bouquet for mother at Yamanaka Florist.” Sasuke started, Shisui then exclaimed one more time.

“IT’S NOT GARDENIA!” He pointed out as if it was a grave mistake on Itachi’s end. “Oh boy, something is up!”

Their observation was ceased as a voice boomed from the speaker telling the people to take their seat as the program was about to start. This only give Shisui time to formulate series of question and endless conclusion as to what his cousin is up to.  He parted from Sasuke but it didn’t give them an excuse not to discern every movements of Itachi.  They watched as he gave the bouquet to the surprised Mikoto, saying words that they weren’t able to catch and finally their mother giving him a tight hug.

The minute the program was over and while Mikoto and Fugaku were talking to other guest at the other side of their vast garden, Shisui quickly sneak to their table.

“So, is it the world ending or you are just an impostor convincing everyone you are Itachi Uchiha?”

Itachi just raised an eyebrow to his inquiring cousin.

“You were late.” Sasuke said this time.

“I was here fifteen minutes before the party started otouto. Learn how to read your time.”

“You’re being unusual” Shisui scowled. “…and where are the gardenias?”

“What gardenias?” Itachi asked innocently. This only made Sasuke curious the way he act. Normally

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